Page 65 of Secret Desire

When his fits of laughter subsided, he held me even tighter. “Christ, woman. You had me scared. Me. Actually scared. That’s a new one for me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I thought you had changed your mind already and didn’t want to go on a date with me.”

Of course, I wanted to go on a date with him. I was even surprised by it. Spending time together was one thing, but officially dating felt like the next level. I didn’t date. Neither did he. This was bigger for both of us than fucking on his desk or having a four-day sexfest in his condo over the holidays.

We were taking risks and would need to be super discreet, but we could do this. Logaro’s had private dining rooms, perfect for two people in a secret office romance.

I dashed into the elevator.

“Hold the elevator!” Andrew said from behind me.

No! No! No!

Any other day, I’d have been thrilled to go out for lunch with him. But how would I explain that I needed to shop for a dress to wear on a date with my boss, who I’m not supposed to be sleeping with? How did I get myself into this?

I repeatedly jabbed my finger at theclose doorbutton, but Andrew’s hand snuck in just as they started to close. Then whoosh, the safety sensor kicked in, and the doors opened.


“Giirrrrllll,you would notbelievethe morning I’ve had.”

“Oh, hey…there, um, buddy.” I shuffled from one foot to the other.

“I just had a talk with John about this. Mr. Reed sent me yet another complaint”—he pushed the lobby button, and our descent began—“and I quote, ‘the lack of competence in the HR department with regard to letting twits into our establishment’ blah, blah, blah.”

Sweat dripped down my back.

I squirmed.

“I mean, first of all, what is his obsession with the wordtwit? And second, who thehelldoes he think he is, telling ME that MY team is incompetent? For someone who hates Mr. Cox, he sure as hell mimics him.” He threw his arms up in exasperation. “And if everyone was so incompetent, then how are we the best in the industry on a global scale, and…Laura?” He waved his hand in front of my face. “Hellooo? Laura?” He peered at me over the top of his glasses.

“Yep. I’m listening.” The squeak in my voice gave me away.

“Humph.Honey, you expect me to believe that? Come on. Tell me. What. Is. Going. On?”

My nervous laugh echoed off the elevator’s walls. “Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Ohhh, Iknowwhat’s happening here.” He nodded to himself.

Oh, no.

“Oh honey, it’s ok. I know the holidays are really hard on single people.” He grabbed me in a surprisingly strong bear hug for such a skinny guy. “I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner. You poor thing. You must be so lonely.”

I had to lie, even though I hated lying. Andrew might already suspect that there was something between me and Steven, especially after the Christmas Eve office party, but I wouldn’t implicate him in this. “Mm-hmm.”

Andrew patted my back. “Sweetie, you’re gonna spend New Year’s Eve with me and Jackson. I won’t let you be alone tonight.”

Nooooo! How do I get out of this? “Don’t be silly. I can’t barge in on your romantic evening. Nope. I won’t stand for it.” I pushed away from his hug.

The elevator doors opened, and we walked out into the lobby as he took his phone out. “No way. I’m texting Jackson right now to tell him to add a plate for you.”

I yanked his phone away from him. “No!”

Putting a hand to his heart, he said, “Where is thisaggressioncoming from?”

“Oh, sorry.” I gave back his phone and softened my tone. “But I can’t go out tonight. I have…I have an outing with a friend. Kenny’s in town, and he’s taking me out.” My voice got louder with each lie.