Page 37 of Lane's Destiny

“Are you sure?” Lane said, his voice still thick with desire.

“Yeah.” She bobbed her head up and down, “I’m sure. Have a good night, everyone.” With that she disappeared into the house.

Everyone whipped their heads around in Lane’s direction, who was still standing in the pool.

“What was that about?” Kim asked.

Lane moved to the side of the pool and pulled himself out. “Nothing, she doesn’t know how to swim, I was teaching her.”

“Oh!” Kim nodded her head, “I didn’t know you teach someone to swim with your lips,” she hooted.

Groaning inwardly, he took the extra towel Desi left behind and wrapped it around his waist. Heading towards the stairs to the patio doors, as he slid it open, he called over his shoulder, “Have a good night, guys, and I suppose you too Aunt Kim.”

He closed it on her cackling and locked it. Heading to the kitchen, he checked his phone. His mom’s phone signal was as strong as ever. He just hoped it was still on her and not laying on the forest floor.

He glanced up when he heard Desi moving around upstairs. He was tempted to race up there and finish what they’d started, but the mood was gone. Maybe it was a good thing they were interrupted. He didn’t want any ties to Pearl Lake other than the ones he already had.

Sighing, he unplugged his phone and made his way up the stairs and straight to his room. Closing the door, he stripped his swimming trunks and face-planted onto the bed. Pulling the quilt over, he covered himself and fell into a fitful sleep.


DESI WAS LAYING ONher back counting each arch in the beveled ceiling. She couldn’t fall asleep for nothing because every time she closed her eyes all she could think of was the feel of Lane’s lips on her. On her mouth, her throat, the swell of her breasts.

“Argh!” She sat up, then turned and punched her pillow. Flopping back against its softness, she sighed heavily. She was not getting out of the bed no matter what!

Chapter 13

Desi could swear shejust closed her eyes when she was being shaken awake. Opening them, she looked around, trying to focus on who it was in the darkness. It was Lane. He stood there, his hand still on her shoulder.

“What time is it? What’s wrong?” She sat up, holding the covers against her chest.

“It’s 2:00 am, mom’s phone signal has moved. We gotta go now,” he said, pulling the straps of an overfilled backpack onto his shoulders.

Desi scrambled out of the bed and grabbed the clothes she was wearing earlier. “Turn around. How far did it move?” she asked as she quickly dressed.

He turned his back towards her and answered, “Five miles...”