Page 70 of Lane's Destiny

Chapter 24

Lane was kicking himselfafter what he’d said to Desi and was trying to tell her when she hung up on him. The first time he’d called he just wanted to hear her voice. The second time was to tell her that Doc said he was fine and to start walking on his leg outside. When she didn’t answer he figured she was busy, and he’d tell her the good news when she got home. He then started playing with the cat and when Nala upchucked all over his shirt; that was the third time he had called her. When he saw what looked like a dead mouse in the cat’s vomit, his first thought was to rush her to a vet. He was in the middle of stripping his shirt off to change it and take her to see Mack, who was a retired Veterinarian, when Desi called him back. He immediately told her about Nala and then the shitshow ensued. He’d thought about calling her back to apologise, to fix things. But he didn’t want to smooth things over with a lie. Truth be told, he did want to lick her. All over.

He heard the door open downstairs in the kitchen and looked at the clock. It was only 11:00 am, it couldn’t be her already. Getting up off the chair, he snagged an umbrella that was propped up against the wall of the main staircase landing and crept down the stairs.

The sound of dishes clattering had him moving faster to the edge of the doorway. Looking around it, he saw Desi bent over with her head stuffed in the fridge. She stood up with a chicken breast hanging out of her mouth, a bag of grated cheese in one hand and a bottle of ranch dressing in the other. Sitting the meat onto a plate, she dumped at generous amount of the salad dressing onto it, opened the bag of cheese she took a handful and added it to the plate. Before zipping the bag shut, she stuffed some into her mouth. Lane stifled a laugh. She must be starving after work he thought.

The floor creaked as he took a step into the room. He was amazed that she hadn’t heard it as he watched her grab a bag of croutons and fumble with it, trying to open it. “Are you hungry or something?”

Just as he said that the bag opened and croutons went flying through the air as she turned around and screamed, “Baaahhhh!”

Lane burst out laughing as she advanced on him with the bag, smacking him with it. “Don’t you ever do that to me again!”

“Sorry! I thought you heard me when the floor squeaked.”

“No, I didn’t. I had...” She looked at his bare chest and licked her lips. “...I had other things on my mind.”

Lane dropped the umbrella and Desi dropped the crouton bag. He took her by the arms and jerked her to him. Rubbing his throbbing dick against her groin, he said, “You didn’t answer me. Are you hungry...or something?”

“God yes,” she whispered as his mouth claimed hers.

For once Desi didn’t balk that she was too heavy as Lane picked her up and deepened the kiss. She didn’t want to because she didn’t want anything to ruin this moment. One that she thought would never happen again.

He set her on the table, pulling her shirt off as he did. Nuzzling her neck, he said, “I won’t ask you if you’re sure this time because I can smell it.”

Desi had a moment of ick when he said that and wanted to know why. She pulled back and looked at him. “What? Wait, what?”

“Your body lotion...” He dipped his head and kissed the swell of her breast as he pulled her bra straps down. “When you’re aroused like you are now...” He plunged his tongue inside her bra and captured the nipple with his tongue.

Melting on the spot, Desi shoved her hands in his hair and held him there, she threw her head back urging him to take more. As he suckled it to a stiff peak he pulled on the waistband of her pants, she helped by lifting her butt off the table so that he could easily slip them down her legs.

Before he stood, he nibbled the stiff peak with his teeth before he pulled away. When she looked him in the eyes, he started undoing his pants, and continued. “Only intensifies. And it drives mefuckinginsane.”

He dropped his pants, and his arousal was clearly evident. When he reached for her, as much as Desi wanted him to take her now, she put a staying hand on his chest. She had to know where they stood. She needed that, deserved that. She couldn’t keep pining away for him.

“What is it?”

She scratched her head. “We need to be on the same page.”

Distracted, he asked, “What do you mean?” His eyes were traveling over her body, while she sat there with only her panties and her bra half on. That nipple he had just seduced peeping at him, made him grow even harder.