Page 46 of Lane's Destiny

Desi yawned and stretched. “Oh... Do you think there will still be a wedding?”

“I don’t see why not, as long as my mother is found...”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. I’m just really tired.”

Pulling out a packet of instant noodles, he looked at her. “I know you are. We can crash after we have something to eat.” He stood and tossed the kit down at her feet. “See if there is one of those survival blankets in there would you?”

Confused, Desi watched while he tore the package of noodles open and dumped it into the pot of water. He then pulled the sleeping bag from the backpack. “But... what’s wrong with that one?”

Lane saw the confusion on her face, and he had to wonder if her head took a knocking as well as her cheek.

“...It’s wet?” he said, as he hung it over a bush close to the fire. Turning, he took the tent from it’s carry bag and sprung it open and placed the opening towards the flames.

“Oh right!” Desi shook her head as she pawed through the kit. How could she forget that? She knew why. Despite being exhausted, unbelievably so, all she could think about was last night and being held in his arms. That’s all she thought about. All. Damn. Day. She so desperately wanted that toasty feeling again after today.

Finally finding what she was looking for, Desi held up a package of the foil blankets. “Here they are.” She glanced at the writing on it and said, “It’s a two pack, we can have our own.”

Lane squatted to check on the noodles. Finding them done, he divided them into the tin mugs and handed her one. “Dinner is served,” he smiled, sitting beside her.

They ate in silence both staring into the flames of the fire. “Do you want something else?” he asked. When she didn’t answer he looked over at her and noticed she had fallen asleep sitting up. Taking the empty mug out of her hands, he set it on the ground along with his and stood up. Bending down, he scooped her into his arms.

“Put me down, I’m too heavy,” she mumbled against his chest.

Lane ignored her, carried her to the tent, and gently laid her inside. Leaving her for a moment, he rinsed the mugs, hoping that would be enough to deter any bears and left the fire burning. Grabbing up the package of emergency blankets, he ducked down and joined her inside. She was shaking like a leaf. Reaching out, he stuck his hand under her shirt. Finding her too cold, he feared she was becoming hypothermic. Ripping open the blankets, he shook one out then started stripping her wet clothes off her.

“Desi, wake up. I got to get your clothes off.”

The thought made her giggle, “Wh... why are you doing that?”

“Don’t worry about that.” With an urgency he said, “Can you finish undressing while I take mine off?”

She opened her eyes and stared at him. The look in them had Lane worried.

“Now Desi, strip now!”

Without questioning him further, she tried to do what he said but with every move she felt like she was wading through a pool of water.

He helped her remove her jeans, then grabbed her by the arms. Pulling her onto his lap, he wrapped one of the blankets around them and started praying that it wasn’t too late.