Page 34 of Lane's Destiny

Chapter 12

Lane left the storeexpecting Desi to have run off to the spa, but she hadn’t. She was sitting under an old sugar maple tree. He quietly squatted beside her and laid his hand on her shoulder.


She turned at her name then flung her arms around him and sobbed.

“Shhh, it’ll be fine. We will find her,” he soothed as he rubbed her back.

He was hell bent on finding both his mom and the cat within the next few days. He had to, because the more he was around Desi, the more he wanted her. Lane almost snorted at that admission. She was not his all, but then again, neither was his type, those relationships always ended, some of them badly. Maybe, it was time to search for a different kind of woman—Stop right there, he told himself. He had plans and none of them was in Pearl Lake.

“Come on, sitting here isn’t doing any good,” he pulled back from her hug. “What we need is to get some sleep and search for both Nala and my mom at daybreak.”

“No, I’ll stay here. She may come back,” Desi said, glancing around. “Cats hunt at night.”

“You don’t even know if it was her. It could be that someone had the collar in their pocket and dropped it,” Lane said. “C’mon,” he tugged on her hand.

Knowing he was right, she reluctantly stood and brushed herself off.

They started walking towards the spa, when she said, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think it’s this place,” she threw her arms wide.

“What?” Lane laughed. “Pearl Lake?”


“Care to explain why?”

“Ever since coming here, I’ve been an emotional wreck.”

“Well, you have been worried about your cat.”

“It’s not just that. Everyone is so... kind to me. I’m not used to that, at least not since my grandparents passed away.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Two years,” she answered, as they arrived back at the spa.