Page 10 of Blitz

One of the hotel employees opened her door and they filed out. Nigerian soldiers patrolled the entrance and the perimeter of the building providing security. Buck felt naked without at least a sidearm.

They entered the building and once they were in the lobby, it got crowded and he happened to clip the shoulder of a tall, studious-looking man who rounded on him.

“Look where you’re going. You clumsy oaf!” he said.

Buck dismissed the guy as a temperamental, disgruntled attendant, his attention drawn immediately to the stunning beauty he was with. He felt like he’d been kicked in the head by a horse. She was tall and willowy, with big crystal-blue eyes, blonde hair that touched her shoulders, styled in haphazard waves around her oval face. Full lips with a perfect cupid’s bow beneath a delicate nose and sharp cheekbones added to the overall package.

The guy shoved him, breaking Buck out of his stupor.


“Charles, don’t be rude,” the woman said, her voice husky with undertones of a slight accent he couldn’t quite pinpoint.

“Who do you think you are?” Bree said next to him. Before Buck could even say a word, she was in the guy’s face. All of his teammates stopped as her voice rang out. “This is a peace conference, and this man is one of our elite special forces, a decorated Navy SEAL! You should be the one to apologize.”

“Bree,” Buck said, but she wasn’t done yet.

The guy narrowed his eyes with a sour look on his face. “Back off, lady. He walked into me.”

“Maybe that’s true, but you never gave him a chance to apologize. Maybe you need a nap because you’re acting like a toddler.”

The guys laughed softly.

“Look, I’m sorry, pardner, for bumping you. My mistake.”

Bree lifted her chin and glared at him. He swallowed and looked around at the guys surrounding Buck.

“I don’t have time for this,” he blustered and marched off, but the woman stayed.

“I’m so sorry for my colleague’s outburst. It’s ungodly hot here and he’s not used to the heat, add in a long plane ride, and he’s sure to fly off the handle. Certainly, no excuse for his behavior.”

“No offense taken,” Buck said, and smiled as Bree huffed her agreement.

“Sam Buckard,” he said.

“Dr. Chiara Accardi.” She reached out her hand and as it slid over his palm, he felt a sizzle all the way down to his toes. “And your protector?”

“Special Agent Bree West,” Bree said as she shook the woman’s hand. She quickly introduced the rest of the team to her. “We’ll also be providing security for the conference.”

Chiara nodded. “Good to know we have an elite special forces team guarding us. I feel so safe and secure,” she said, her crystal blue eyes going over his features, landing on his mouth.

“Chiara!” Charles the jerk yelled.

“Dr. Charles Wharton has bellowed. I’d better get going so we can get checked in.”

Buck nodded, smiling like a besotted fool, feeling dazed and dazzled. “It was nice to meet you, Dr. Accardi,” he said.

“Chiara, please, Mr. Buckard.”

“That would be Buck or Sam.”

“Oh, the pleasure is mine, Buck.”

Fuck. She was as beautiful going as she was coming. The thought of watching that beautiful face contorted in pleasure sent more zinging through his system.

“Oh, no the pleasure is mine, Buck,” Professor said in a breathy falsetto. Julia nudged him, and he laughed along with the guys.

“Way to have Buck’s back, Bree,” Joker said with a smile.