Page 69 of Blitz

“I’m the new FBI liaison to the NCIS Office of Special Operations.” She grinned. “Isn’t that fantastic? I can do my own fieldwork and partner with NCIS when they need me, where I can use my counterterrorism experience. It’s the best of both worlds.”

He lifted his brow, needing more answers, which he fully deserved. “You moved here, for me?” His heart pounded so hard his chest hurt. Despite every attempt he’d made to keep his emotions out of the equation, he’d gone and let her inside his heart. His own story was right there in her eyes for him to see—the way he felt about her, along with the fact that he’d given her a piece of himself that would forever be hers. Not just his body or his heart, but his soul.

“Nope, I moved here for me. I was lucky you were here.” She giggled, kissing his chest, then rasped her tongue over his nipple, sucking the hard nub into her mouth. She pushed down his boxers, running her hands all over him. “I don’t want to sit behind a desk for the next twenty years and regret that I never told you I love you. I want to be your one and only, even if the SEALs come first.”

He grabbed her hands, stilling her seduction, sucking in a sharp breath as the words penetrated. “I’ll point out here that you were wrong. You are my world. I’d have left for you.”

“I’m not going to ask that of you when we both can get what we want. We’ll work it out.” Her eyes widened, and she whispered, “Does that mean—”

“That I fucking love you? Fucking yes.”

A little cry escaped her, and she cradled his face in her hands and kissed him.

“More than I can put into words.”

Her eyes teared up overflowing onto her cheeks. “So, it wasn’t just the great sex?”

He grinned. “Could have been part of it,” he said, waggling his brows, looking down at his dick. “The proof is in the pudding.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Want to make sure?” she asked, maneuvering him over to the bed, the back of his knees touching the mattress.

She pushed him back, slipping quickly out of her clothes as he watched, then she straddled him.

“I thought you wanted to learn how to surf?”

“Oh, pudding, that can wait,” she said and started to move.

He gave himself over to the pleasure of her, all of her as they found their way through to the life they wanted to lead.

He would be with her every step on this path they agreed was just right for them, as their love paved the way to happily ever after.


The soundof the key in the lock dragged Harley from a deep sleep, and she slowly opened her eyes. Aleksei entered wearing nothing but a pair of gray athletic shorts, fresh from his shower, his hair still damp against his broad shoulders. The room was still cast in early-morning darkness, and the light from the bathroom framed him in the indirect rectangle of brightness.

He was carrying two cups of coffee, and the smell seeped into her groggy senses.

Sweeping her hair back from her face, she raised up on one elbow. “Good morning,” she murmured, her voice husky with sleep.

The last two weeks since they returned from DC were taken up with briefings, long talks with Aleksei and the State Department, paperwork for him to be a full US citizen, her submission of her “close contact contract,” securing his finances, and reconciliating with Isabelle, immensely grateful for her friendship. Aleksei had managed to transfer the bulk of his wealth to an American bank. Her eyes popped at the number of figures he had in there, and since the Russians were actually thankful for his intervention, they had released his father’s funds as well as his sister’s. His mother and sister were both well off and currently staying at a hotel while they searched for residences. Mila was looking for a job to keep her occupied.

This was the first morning and day they would have to themselves. He turned to look at her, an intimate warmth lighting up those gray eyes as he gave her a smile. He came over to the bed, setting his mug on the nightstand, then leaned over and placed hers on her side of the bed. Slipping back under the covers, he braced his hand on the pillow as he bent down to kiss her, his mouth soft and warm, and tasting faintly of coffee. “Good morning, my little mouse,” he murmured against her lips. “I brought you coffee.”

“I can see that. How thoughtful.”

He slid his arms around her and kissed her again. The scent of cinnamon clung to him. She tightened her arms around him.

She felt him smile against her temple as he smoothed his hand up her naked back.

“But I’d rather have you.”

He laughed low and husky. “Again,” he said with mock suffering. “My ravenous little mouse.”

Harley gave him one last kiss then reluctantly pulled out of his arms and sat up. She stretched lazily and smiled up at him. Stacking the pillows against the headboard, he stretched out beside her, cradling her against the curve of his shoulder.

Resting her head against his chest, she snuggled against him.

“I can’t believe I didn’t wake up when you got up.”