Page 70 of All Of My Heart

“So, now that we’re here, in your mountain man domain.” I wait for him to sit on the camping chair next to me, brushing his arm against mine as he shuffles closer. “Am I finally gonna see you chop that wood for me, baby?” I say seductively.

He smirks devilishly, and my body definitely appreciates it. “Play your cards right tomorrow and I just might.” His voice is low and gravelly as he leans in to peck my cheek. “But just for tonight, I’ve got pre-chopped wood because I wanted this to be efficient so I can fuck you under the stars later.”

“Be still my beating vagina,” I say, cupping my sex over my leggings.

Hearing him laugh floods me with a warmth I’m beginning to crave. It’s something only he does to me and has been doing to me since the moment he kissed me on our wedding day. Being around him is so… easy. I wasn’t lying the other week when I said I don’t think I’ll want to let him go. It’s becoming a problem, but one that I’m not going to dissect this weekend. I’ve been ordered to relax, and that’s what I’ll do.

He sets up the firepit and lights the fire, whilst I sit on a camp chair with a blanket and the biggest smile on my face.

“You know your brothers told me I was making the wrong decision bringing you here,” he says, tapping my legs, gesturing for me to turn and put my feet in his lap.

“They told you about Canada, right?”

He nods, turning to face me. “Did I make the wrong decision?”

I sit forward to be closer to him. “Too soon to tell.” I widen my grin, teasing him. “I will say that, so far I’m impressed, and I haven’t been eaten alive by bugs so it’s already better than Canada. Plus, you’re here and not my stupid big brothers and you got meMagic Stars.” I wiggle the bag of chocolate in front of him.

He rumbles a laugh, deep and low. “It still baffles me why they’re your favourite.”

“Magic Stars are amazing. The little faces on them are the cutest thing. But you can’t eat the baby faces first. They have to be saved until last.”

He hides his smirk behind his hand, pretending to brush his beard down, but I see it. “There’s an order you eat them?”

“Obviously,” I deadpan.

He assesses me for a second, then quirks an eyebrow. “You’re serious about this.”

“I’m always serious about chocolate.”

First night camping, done. I did get bitten by a bug, but I didn’t lose my shit like I did when I was a kid. Honestly, it hurts my feelings a little that my brothers think so little of me as an adult.

Harrison, as promised, has bug spray and has been my human hot water bottle. I might never go back to London at this rate. The fresh air, the peace and quiet, no dramas from my crumbling shelter, no judgemental parents who refuse to give me the rest of my trust fund. The only thing is, I could never leave my animals, so if they could come here, that would be great.

“You ready?” Harrison asks, popping his head in the tent where I’m tying my shoelaces.

“As I’ll ever be.”

He extends his hand to help me up and when I’m upright, his strong arm wraps around my waist, holding me to him. “You look good enough to eat in those shorts. Maybe going on a walk is a bad idea.”

“I’ll make sure you work up an appetite then by making you walk behind me the whoooooooole time.”

“Such a tease,” he grumbles with a smile.

I don’t think he understands the meaning of tease. He’s wearing a sleeveless t-shirt todayanda backwards cap. He is the definition of tease.

“Come on, mountain man. Let’s go.”

I go to walk off and then realise that I have no idea where I’m going. Harrison’s smirking face realises that too, as he points in the opposite direction I’m walking.

My feet thud on the dusty, muddy ground as we walk for another ‘five minutes’ as he keeps saying. He’s lying because he told me that ten minutes ago. I’m not complaining though, the views here of the beautiful tall trees, the lush green landscapes, the occasional stream, and oh, wild horses. It’s like being in a fairyland and I love it.

Harrison might have been right that this escape from the city is exactly what I need.

“Turn right up here,” he says behind me.

I stop to assess the area. It’s all woodland and there’s no clearing to indicate where I should turn. “Um, where?” I look around again in case I missed something.

“Come.” He takes my hand and drags me into the woods, past some giant green bush thingy and wildflowers that I’d kill to pick.