Page 32 of All Of My Heart


“Evelyn and Ralph. Even their names are perfect together. I feel sad that your dad lost his person.”

I nod, lowering my gaze to the wooden table. A waiter appears with our burgers and chips in those American diner style baskets. Zoey doesn’t hesitate to dive straight in, and I watch in fascination. Vanessa would only ever eat salads and even then, she’d pick at her food like it was offensive. Watching Zoey eat is so refreshing.

She swipes the blob of barbeque sauce from the side of her mouth. “I know I eat like a pig. My mother likes to remind me whenever I see her. Carry on telling me about your family. Although, I may need a family tree of your sisters’ kids. You said she has four?”

I pop a chip in my mouth and chew. “You don’t eat like a pig, for the record.” I swallow and watch Zoey smile again. “My sister, Katie. You remember her? Her husband, Jake, is an environmental scientist. We went to school together. He was the quiet type and ridiculously smart. Katie teaches primary school. She went back to work part time recently, and my dad helps with the girls when she’s working.”

Zoey swallows a mouthful. “Right, so let me try and remember their names from when you told me.” She licks her full lips as she aimlessly looks around, as if she’s searching for the names in her head. “Cassie, Alana, Ellie and… Amelia?”

“Close. Amelia is actually Ophelia.”

She smacks the table. “Damn, so close. Remind me of their ages again,” she mumbles, popping a chip into her mouth.

“Cassie is seven, Alana is five, and Ellie and Ophelia are three.”

“Okay, I’ve got a handle on your family tree. Hey, it’s like we’ve been dating secretly before we got married.”

“Imagine that,” I reply with a laugh. “So, tell me more about you. Your love life, what your favourite things are. I need to know more about the real Zoey.”

She finishes her mouthful. “I don’t know that my life is that interesting in all honesty. I’m a party girl at heart. I spend most weekends out, or I’m at the shelter.”

“Well, now I feel bad that I’m actively destroying your sex life.”Or do I?At least I won’t be crazy jealous seeing her with other men.

“Oh, don’t worry.” She waves me off. “My plan is to seduce you until you crack anyway. It’ll keep me busy.” She quietens for a moment, staring into the distance. “Hook ups were always… empty.” She refocuses her attention on me and shakes her head. “Sorry, anyway, back on topic. My favourite colour is a toss up between mint green and pink. I love all food, I obviously love animals, I hate feeling cold, I am messy to a fault, so sorry about the mess I’m going to make in your house… I’m a mediocre cook, but I do a mean paella. I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t think.”

“I like learning about you. You’re an enigma because, although you’re fierce and strong willed, I also think that you can be shy and sweet. I like seeing both sides.” I have no idea how she’ll take my confession of seeing her vulnerable side. The truth is, there is so much more to her than the party girl image she pushes into the world. I can already see that from the limited time we’ve spent together.

“Thank you, I think.” Her blush spread across her cheeks like the sweetest shade of pink in springtime. I can’t help but smile.

“You’re welcome.”

Chapter 19


“It’sjustoverthere.”I point towards the bar that Jess, Nora and I go to sometimes after work. I haven’t been there in what feels like forever, though.

When we enter through the double doors, I immediately spot Nora and Grayson in the corner booth.

Harrison places his giant hand on my lower back and leans in closer. “Grayson is here?”

I turn slightly to see his face marred with confusion. “Yeah, he and Nora are together.”

He nods. “I forgot, is all. Grayson got me a big contract last year with Liam’s company. We’ve known each other a while, but I’m about to straight up ask him to lie for me. It feels… odd.”

I glance back at my friends, then turn to stand in front of Harrison, resting my palms on his hard chest. His heart is beating a mile a minute as I look up at this big man in front of me. “Remember when you said I can back out at any point? Same goes for you. Do you need a minute?” I take in his dark eyes with even darker eyelashes framing them perfectly.Seriously, why do men get good eyelashes? It’s wholly unfair.

Harrison breathes deeply, and the rise and fall of his chest under my palms warm my gut as I feel his heart rate even out. Our eyes lock in a moment of weakness. All I want to do is press my lips to his to reassure him. But that won’t make him feel better. That’ll confuse things, so I pull away and he nods to me. “I’m good.”

I take his hand and walk over to my friends. Nora’s eyes dart between my face and where I’m holding Harrison’s hand. “Hey lovers, how the hell are you both?”

Nora wakes from her stupor of seeing me with Harrison and stands to hug me. “What the hell is going on right now?” she whispers into my ear as the boys greet each other next to us. I pull back to look at my friend, worry flashes in her eyes and I smile my best ‘please don’t worry’ smile.

“Let’s sit,” I say just as I’m engulfed in a hug from Grayson too. “Oh hey, pretty boy. Hope you’re taking care of my girl.”

He releases me and smiles at Nora. “Doing the best I can.” He winks at her and she rolls her eyes playfully.