Page 24 of All Of My Heart

My eyes widen. I didn’t expect her to pick him, since he’s been mostly quiet this trip.

Nate cocks an eyebrow at her. “Dare.”

The collective “oooo” vibrates through the group, and Aaron slaps his friend’s shoulder, wiggling him in his seat.

“I dare you to give Aaron a one-minute lap dance.”

Nate’s gaze flies over to his friend, and for a second, I think I see him considering it. Aaron smiles widely, licking his lips as he taps his lap. “Come on man, you know I love it when I get to turn a straight one.”

Heat floods Nate’s cheeks, but he shakes his head. “Not happening. I respect you too much to grind on your lap. Besides, I can’t have you pining for me after I’m done,” he jokes as he reaches for a shot and downs it in one. Aaron slumps in his chair, leaning into the girl sitting next to him and whispering something that makes her blush fiercely.I’m surrounded by a bunch of horny teenagers, I swear.

Nate continues the game, daring Max to make out with the girl on his lap. Of course, Zoey covers her eyes and Owen makes a gagging sound when he does.Like I said, teenagers.

The others take their turns and when it’s Aaron’s turn, he locks eyes with me and winks. My whole body stiffens, wondering what he’s going to do.

“Truth or dare… Zoey?” he says, while I’m sure I hear Max mutter, “Fuck’s sake.” My pulse spikes to a marching band because I know whatever Aaron is about to do, he’s going to do it to get a rise out of me. I can feel it.

Zoey shifts slightly to the edge of the sofa, pauses for a second, then smiles. “Dare, baby.”

Aaron’s already rubbing his hands together and looking at Zoey like she’s a piece of meat and my body bristles from his heated stare. “I think I’m owed a lap dance, and since I don’t have Nate to do that because he’s a pussy, I pick you. Bring that pretty body over her and gimme a little something to think about later, hm?”

Max stares at his sister with bulging eyes. The air is thicker than it was a minute ago because everyone is wondering if Zoey will take the bait or be a good girl and keep everyone here friends after this is over.

“You got a death wish, honey?” Zoey laughs but it’s filled with nerves, a higher pitch than her usual laugh. She glances to Max and then Aaron. “I’m saving your life by saying no. Trust me,” she says, picking up a shot and knocking it back.

My shoulders deflate as a wave of relief floods over me.

“Fuck, what do I have to do to get a lap dance?” Aaron whines, his arms flying into the air. Suddenly, the girl next to him leans in and whispers something that turns his expression from downtrodden to excited. He stands, taking the girl’s hand and tugging her to stand. He waves. “I’m out. See you fuckers later.”

Zoey chuckles next to me. Max turns his attention to the woman next to him again. Owen and Nate have even gotten lucky too. Suddenly, Zoey and I are the only single ones, sitting with a bunch of people mauling each other’s faces.

“Fuck’s sake…” she mutters, then turns to me. “So, truth or dare, mountain man?”

“I pick truth,” I say, moving closer to her as those big baby blue eyes pin me in place. Sure, they’re a little glazed from all the alcohol, but the way she’s staring at me with such intrigue stalls my breath for a second. Then a smile erupts on her face, making her the most beautiful woman in the entire room.

“What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?”

Chapter 13


There’sonlyonethingthat can make my brain have a pulse this vicious, and that’s tequila. The pounding intensifies tenfold, like a herd of cute little baby elephants that are not cute and not little, and in fact, are making me feel like my ears are bleeding.Why do I do this to myself?Assume that tequila and I are best friends when we most definitely are not. She’s my hype girl, sure, but she always leaves me feeling like shit.

Tequila and I are on a break, for real.

What the ever-loving fuck is the other taste in my mouth? Champagne? Yes, that explains the cotton tongue. I remember being at the club with everyone. Drinking, evidently. Dancing, playing truth or dare… but my memory is hazy after that.

Wait. Why am I so hot?I slowly open one eye, which feels like I’m pouring acid directly into my retina, to find Harrison in his boxers, draped comfortably across my stomach. I look down at what I’m wearing; strapless bra and thong, which is something I guess. But this man has a body temperature of a million degrees, and I feel like I’m in full thermal wear with him on me.

Fuck, did we… no, no, no.We couldn’t have. But is that why he’s here? Think, Zoey, think. What happened when you got home? Nothing. My memory is blank.

I run my hands through my hair, which is so knotted it hurts, but my left hand gets stuck in something in my hair. Owwww, I mouth as I try to tug it free. I wiggle it some more, hoping it’ll loosen, but it doesn’t. It’s useless. I need to see what I’m working with. Shifting my body slowly, which is now slick underneath Harrison.

Before I can get free, his eyes spring open. His usual warm brown irises are hazy as he blinks at me like an owl. His brows furrow as confusion mars his face. “Zoey?” he rasps, sleep and last night's alcohol lacing his voice. “Why are you in my bed?” he asks, lifting his head slightly, allowing me to breathe much better.

“Uhhh, technically, you’re in my bed, big guy.” I quirk the side of my mouth, realising that we are in fact in my room.

He pounces upwards immediately. Looking around, he swallows and then winces. Yeah, I’ve been there already. “The fuck am I doing in here?” he muses, sounding adorable and then something obviously crosses his mind as his eyes open wider than saucers, and he looks at the bed and to me and the bed again in horror. “Did we? Oh fuck.” He collapses backwards onto the bed with a thud.