Page 16 of All Of My Heart

Just as the guys start talking about options, Zoey breezes into the bar, her bright eyes searching for us. She’s wearing another pair of barely there black denim shorts that look ripped to shreds and a tucked in sleeveless acid wash grey t-shirt that shows her lace bra when she moves. Her hair is half up, and sunglasses rest on the top of her head. She looks… really fucking good. Her face lights up when she spots Max and Owen.

“Hey guys,” she beams. Her smile makes everyone else smile because she’s got this presence about her that is incredibly compelling.

“Hey baby girl,” Aaron purrs next to me, and Max shoots him a look ofdon’t even think about it, which makes us all laugh. “Nice swim?” he carries on, ignoring Max’s glares.

“Lovely, thanks.” She glances around the table at our empty plates and glasses. “What are you losers doing? I want to go out and play,” she says, excitement lacing her tone.

“Play?” Aaron asks, grinning like a Cheshire cat. The man will never learn.

“Down boy. I want to go out and have fun. Explore. I saw some streetside bars and I’m dying to see Vegas properly. Who’s coming with?”

“Did you eat anything yet?” Max asks, his elbows leaning on the table and his fingers steepled together under his chin as he pins Zoey with a look of concern.

She rolls her eyes. “Yes,Dad. I had breakfast and lunch from the room service after my swim. Unlike you part timers I had to check in with the shelter too. But I ate, I promise.”

Aaron jumps from his seat eagerly, flinging his arm around her shoulders. “I’m in,” he purrs into her ear.

She slaps his chest playfully. “Good, the first round of margaritas is on you,”

“I’m in too,” I say, standing and earning a bright smile from Zoey. It’s not that I don’t want to leave her alone with Aaron. It’s more that Ireallydon’t want to leave her alone with him. Which I know is irrational. Aaron is a great guy, but he’s a serial flirter. He could have anyone in the room, man or woman, so why is he picking Zoey? I can’t tell what his intentions are. Is it to piss the twins off? Or Me? I don’t know, but clearly I’m all kinds of green over this whole situation. “I’ve never had a margarita, but I feel like I need one if Aaron is paying.”

“Yes,” Zoey shouts and looks down at the others expectantly. They all groan and stand to tag along. We add the bill to our room tab to sort later and head out.

When we step out onto the street, it takes us a minute to join the strip, but when we do, there’s no mistaking where we are. Everything is so bright, giant and over the top, but then I guess that’s Vegas for you.

In the distance, there’s the Eiffel Tower, New York’s Statue of Liberty, and a plethora of other knock off sights. The whole place is over the top and kind of hurts my eyes, and it reminds me why, when I’ve been here with work, I mostly stay in the hotels and casinos. This is a lot.

“Look at all this,” Zoey beams. “It’s so tacky, I love it!”

“It’s even better at night. We should hit the casinos later,” Max suggests.

“Great idea, night out. I need to find a willing body, too.” Aaron grabs his junk, emphasising his already obvious point.

Zoey chuckles. “You’re all going to ditch me for hook ups at some point, aren’t you?”

We all answer differently. Owen, Max, and Aaron agree they’ll be ditching her, whereas Nate grumbles a nonsense answer. But it’s my answer that snags her attention when I reply, “No chance.” I’d never leave her alone in Vegas.

She takes three measured steps towards me, glancing at the others as they walk off ahead, tapping her foot to mine and…is she flirting with me?

“So, you want to be the one to tuck me in tonight, Harrison?” she says breathlessly.

Yeah, she’s flirting.

I swallow hard, watching as she tracks the movement of it. “I want to make sure you’re safe and making the right choices.” Fuck, could that be more of a dad answer? What the fuck did I say that for?

She chuckles, looking down again. “I can handle myself. I’m a big girl.” She pouts, fluttering her lashes at me.

I shuffle slightly closer but have to stop myself from reaching for her. “I know youcan,but it doesn’t mean youshouldall the time. I know you like your independence, but even if for the next few days, I want to make sure you’re safe. Okay? Humour me if nothing else.”

The way her icy blue eyes spear me and simultaneously soften has me leaning dangerously close. Just when I think I’ve got her figured out or that she’s going to show me more of her vulnerability, she straightens her shoulders and leans to my ear. “You have bigdaddyvibes, you know,” she purrs, her voice sounding like sin, then she moves back so I can see her face again.

I tilt my head. “I don’t have any children.”

She smirks like a little minx. “Oh, honey, that’s not what I meant.” She licks her lips slowly as her gaze intensifies, burning me from the inside out. “I meant, you look like you could spank me, and I’d thank you for the pleasure…Daddy.”

Suddenly, it’s difficult to swallow. My tongue is too big for my mouth, and my cock is definitely too big for my boxers. I inwardly groan. I need to actually rememberhowto flirt with a woman.Right, that’s all. Give it back to her.So I take a breath and let my mouth ghost her ear and whisper, “You have no idea, sweetheart.”

The hitch in her breath is everything I wanted from teasing her but the goosebumps trailing over her shoulder, too. That’s an added bonus. I like to see her affected by me. Even if this goes nowhere, a guy can live out his fantasies. And the idea of bending her over and spanking that peachy arse is now all I can envision myself doing later.