Page 58 of All Of My Heart

“I probably should have told you, I’m allergic to cats,” Harrison announces and my head swings to face him, mouth gaping.

“Noooo. You can’t be. I’ll have to divorce you. Please tell me you’re lying,” I plead.

His face transforms into a smirk. “I’m kidding. No need to divorce me.”

I sag dramatically, wiping my brow. “Phew, for a second there I thought I’d found a flaw.”

“Hmm, besides,” he rumbles and pulls my back to his front, his arms snaking around my middle as his head dips to my ear, making my whole body tingle again. “You can’t divorce me because I’m not nearly done with you yet, Mrs Clarke.”

Putty. I am putty in his hands when he says things like that. My poor heart can barely keep up with the excitement. Especially, when he’s near, it starts thumping like it’s trying to escape from my ribs. I move my hands to cover his around my waist and I bask in his warmth for a second. My mind wanders, and somewhere deep inside whispers…

Please don’t ever be done with me.

Chapter 32


“What’shername?”Iask with both eyes trained on the little ball of white fluff in my arms. She’s so small I’m genuinely scared I’ll break her. I’m about as on edge as I would be if someone handed me a grenade.

“I don’t know yet, she hasn’t told me. We’re not on a first name basis, but I’m confident she’ll talk any day now.” She blinks at me sarcastically.

I lean over to whisper in her ear. “Giving me snarky answers only makes me want to turn your arse red, Zoey.”

She smiles smugly, but I don’t miss the little shiver that rakes through her body. “Ooo, incentive. My inner brat is preening.” She wiggles her brows and then focuses back on the cat. “I haven’t named her yet.”

“Why not? Her siblings have names.”

“Well yeah, because Lloyd and Sam named them,” she sighs, petting the kitten in my hand. “I don’t want to get attached. She’s my favourite.”

“It sounds like you already are attached, sweetheart.”

“Hmm, I thought maybe a human name, but I feel like every other person has a cat called Gary or Kevin and this kitty is just too pretty to become a statistic like that,” she murmurs dreamily, taking the kitten from my arms who then climbs into the crook of Zoey’s neck and relaxes immediately.

“Well, that and she’s a girl. Calling her Gary might confuse all the boy cats when you call her. They’ll assume she’s a cat in drag.”

Zoey laughs and snorts, it’s just as adorable as the kitten on her shoulder. “Oh, she has the drama for drag. She hissed at her own reflection in the mirror for twenty minutes last week. Highly entertaining this cat business. Oh, how about Mrs Ru Paul?” she shrieks.

I pause. “Veto. It’s not her. Grizabella?”

Her nose scrunches. “Veto. Cindy Clawford?”

I stifle a bubble of laughter. “That’s good.”

“This cat naming business is tough, right?”

I nod just as the white ball of fluff yawns on Zoey’s shoulder, I smile. “She’s a little mouse, not a kitten. That’s why. We can’t give her a cat name when she’s part mouse. Look at her.”

“Huh…” she hums, tapping her fingers on her chin.


“Mouse. I like it. Good job, mountain man, I knew you were useful for something,” Zoey chirps as she stands from the floor, moving to fill three big water bowls from the cat pens before she scoops Mouse from my palm all too fast and places her back with her siblings.

“Oh, she was keeping me warm.”

“I thought that was my job?” She winks over her shoulder before locking the kittens away securely.

I go to stand, but instead, I reach up and grab Zoey’s hips and pull her into my lap.