Page 54 of All Of My Heart



Chapter 30


Everythingisgoingtobe fine. Harrison and I had sex and now I’m meeting his family. The same family I’ve been avoiding for the last month of us living together. The same family that knows we got married because he couldn’t keep it from his sister any longer and blurted it out when she called yesterday. His dad is out of the country but wants to meet me as soon as he’s back, apparently. And now, I’m worrying my bottom lip again over his sister liking me.

Well, technically, I’ve already met his sister when I was younger, but now, I’m sleeping with her brother and we’re fake married—everything’s fine.God, I hope I don’t blurt out the part about sleeping with her brother.

His sister’s house is a beautiful cottage style bungalow in Richmond. There are wildflowers decorating the front of the property, lining the path to the door. My fingers itch to pick them because wildflowers are my favourite.

Harrison’s big hand eclipses mine as we walk towards the front door. He knocks but doesn’t wait for them to answer. He just walks straight inside, like this is his house. Oh, to have that kind of familiarity. The only people I’d do that with would’ve been Jess and Nora, but since they coupled up, I refuse to barge in and catch a glimpse of something that would need erasing from my memory.

The bungalow looks cute and tiny from the outside, but it stretches back so far that I can barely focus on the bi-fold doors at the back of the hallway. The hum of children laughing and squabbling filters through the space, making this house really feel like a home. There are no pointless hallway tables with flowers, there are shoes left strewn across the floor, folded clothes on the stairs, coats hanging on the banister, and toys everywhere.

“Katie!” Harrison shouts through the house. A leggy brunette peeks her head around the hallway doors, which I’m assuming is the kitchen. When she spots us, she smiles and I’m instantly reminded of the time she babysat me when I was younger. Her smile hasn’t changed, and her brown eyes are exactly like Harrison’s. “Girls, come here,” she shouts as she approaches us.

“Baby Bancroft, you’re all grown up. I haven’t seen you since you were a pre-teen.” She stops in front of us and Harrison pulls her in for a side hug, letting my hand go.

“Oh, pre-teen Zoey was a handful,” I agree. “But then again, not much has changed.” We both laugh and I smile a genuine smile at my now sister-in-law. “Good to see you though, Katie.”

“Where are my girls?” Harrison asks his sister as she narrows her eyes at me again. Okay, I guess I have something to prove here; that I’m not the little brat she once looked after.

“In the garden. Girls! Uncle Harrison is here.”

The swarm of shrieks, squeals and giggles get closer and closer as two little curly haired tornados run down the hallway and throw themselves at a waiting Harrison. Two slightly taller girls follow and do the same. My heart does a little flippy dance, seeing Harrison overpowered by these little munchkins.

They harass him, peppering kisses and love all over him, and he’s never looked happier. “They’re always like this with him.” Katie nudges me, awakening me from my thoughts of him being so perfect.

“He told me he spoils them,” I tell her.

She nods and smiles warmly. “I mean, yeah, he does spoil them, but not just with gifts. Harrison is the kind of guy who likes to spend time with people and makes sure they know they’re loved.”

I read between the lines because it definitely feels like she’s telling me her brother is a good man, and I need to treat him right. Guilt settles into my stomach like a weight, but I smile through it. Even though Harrison ended up telling his sister beforehand, she said he would have to be the one to break the girls' hearts that we had a wedding without them, which now feels a lot harder. “I’m getting that,” I reply because she believes this is real, and I’m not about to blurt out‘Oh, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your big brother, especially when our arrangement ends and we divorce.’But I can’t deny that I feel bad for lying to all these tiny Clarke children.

“Okay, okay, girls. I need you to meet someone. Let me up.” The four girls scramble off him, but the twin with the wildest brown curls grips his hand and looks up at me with wide eyes, using Harrison’s hand as a shield.

Instinctively, I bend down to be more at their level. “Hi, it’s so nice to meet you all.”

“Who are you?” the tallest one, which I’m guessing is Cassie, asks. I open my mouth but am immediately interrupted.

“Are you Uncle Harrison’s girlfriend?” the little one gripping Harrison’s hand questions with a frown. I swallow thickly, all the blood draining from my face as I look at Harrison. He chuckles, looking totally at ease. Bending down to his niece, he strokes a wayward curl from her face.

“Ophelia, bubs. This is Zoey. She’s my wife.”

“Your wife?” her twin yelps from beside her. They’re not identical. Ellie has bright blue eyes, whereas Ophelia has brown soulful ones.

“You had a wedding without us?!” The one with straight brown hair and a missing tooth squeals.

“I know. I’m sorry, Alanna. We just had a quick wedding.”

“You sure did,” his sister remarks. Inwardly, my body cringes.

“Will you have another wedding so we can be your flower girls?” asks Cassie, eyeing me. She’s actually pretty tall and I have to look up at her from where I’m crouched. And she’s beautiful, her hair somewhere between wavy and straight and her eyes a deep brown like her mum.

Harrison doesn’t get a chance to answer before Alanna interrupts. “Wait, we should ask Zoey. She’s the bride. What’s your perfect wedding day? Does it include flower girls?” Her missing tooth causes a little lisp on her S’s, and I stifle a grin because it’s the sweetest thing.