Page 3 of All Of My Heart

I flick my focus around the table, ignoring the glares. “It’s good. The expansion last year has meant we’re able to take on more cats now.” Of course, it would be great if I had the rest of my trust fund to invest in the business, but alas, I bite my tongue. I’ll never tell them I’m teetering on the edge of desperation with the shelter. Donations are slim, and I’m a breath away from selling my car to help fund it, but I’ll do that before I ever ask for anyone’s help. “Did you know there are over 16,000 animals dumped in London alone every six months or so? Most of them don’t survive, and I hate that. I actually have a meeting with another two London animal shelters next month to discuss how we can help them because they’re so overrun.”

“I know. I read the article you sent to me,” he says with a proud gleam in his eyes that’s just for me.

I keep staring at Max, grateful that he cares but also completely aware of the eyes on us as I silently plead with him, hoping he might know how to diffuse the building tension.

“You know, if you teamed up with us, I could triple your customer base and actually get you better revenue. You could become a company instead of a non-profit,” Owen pipes up, and my head swings to him, my gaze changing from ‘help me’ to ‘shut up’ in an instant.

I know Owen means well, and he’s a numbers man at heart—I can practically hear his brain already doing the math—but I want to kill him right now.

I grit my teeth. “That’s really ki—”

“Zoey has no interest in the family business. She has made that abundantly clear,” my father booms across the table, cutting me off without letting me finish. He’s not wrong; I can’t associate with his business. Not when he’ll either squash mine or take over and make it into something it’s not.

I turn my head to find his hazel eyes daring me to bite and fuck, I promised myself I wouldn’t, but I can’t help it. Rage courses through my body like a wildfire, and my mouth moves before my brain can stop me. “Just because I don’t want to work for you doesn’t mean I don’t take an interest in business. My goals do not revolve around money, they revolve around the animals I help, but if you need me to be the bad guy for following my dreams instead of conforming to your wishes, then fine. I’m the fucking bad guy.”

“Zoey,” my brother Max pleads, but it’s too late—heat spikes into my face with a force that propels my body to stand.

“Don’t Zoey me, Max. I’m not a fucking child. Despite whatyourfather seems to think, I am a successful business owner who actuallyhelpsanimals. I have a heart, unlike him,” I shout, flapping my arms around. It took one stupid remark from my father and I’m diving into the deep end, making myself look like a fucking idiot again. I can’t help it. When it comes to him, he’s like the red flag to my bull.

I glance over to my father again as he purses his lips in that disapproving way he always does, his silence slices through my chest and I give myself three seconds to let him be mad, shout or even give a shit, but when he doesn't, I internally deflate. I’m done. Over it.

I clench my fists once, twice, and then I can’t do it anymore. I don’t want to spend one more minute in a room with him. “I’m sorry, boys, I can’t stay here any longer.” Max protests in my ear, begging me not to go, as I quickly pull him into a hug to say goodbye. I’ve already said too much, letting my anger bubble over tonight, so it’s best I leave before I do anything worse. Like cry.

I rush outside, pushing down the lump that’s settled in my throat. One single tear threatens to fall from my eye as I storm towards my car, and I pray that it doesn’t fall.Not yet, not yet. Not before I can get to the safety of my car.

“Zoey, wait,” Max calls after me, and I pause, swiping at my eye to make sure that tear is really gone. He spins me and puts his arms around me, instantly making me emotional again. “I’m sorry about them.”

I sniff and bury my face into his t-shirt, gripping onto my brother for dear life. “It’s not your fault, Max.” I pause, not wanting him to feel the burden of the fractured relationship that me and my parents share. “It’s just how it is.” I sigh.

He squeezes me tighter, and I have to fight more tears. “I’m still sorry, you’re the best baby sister, and I love you. So does Owen.”

My brothers have always been there for me, especially when our parents weren’t. They love me for me, and I’m always so confused about how two heartless people like my parents have children with such big hearts.

“Come to Vegas with O and me next week,” he mumbles into my hair. I pull back to look at him and before I can protest, he continues, obviously on a mission. “I know you said you couldn’t, but you need a break. And before you say no again, I already spoke to Sam and Lloyd, who are more than happy to run things over at the shelter for you. I know you hate letting go, but you can work remotely for a few days.” When he looks at me with his big green puppy dog eyes, I’m transported back in time to when we were kids, and they’d both use their cuteness against me, making me do stupid shit all the time. Turns out, it’s still as effective. I dread to think how their future partners will fare against them. I groan.Can I leave everything for a trip right now?“Come onnnnnn, please, Zo? Celebrate your brother’s birthdays in Vegas?”

Icoulddo with a break. I haven’t left London in years. Even Jess and Liam’s wedding last year was local. Then, their honeymoon in the Maldives made me green with envy. Things have been busy, and I’ve spent most of my time working or in clubs, living the single life – because all of my girlfriends have husbands or live-in boyfriends now. He’s right, I do need this.

“Fuck it–I’m in.”

Chapter 2


“You’regoingonholiday?”Nora shouts down the phone.

“What, I’m not allowed?” I tease, balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I open my suitcase on my bed with a flop.

“Of course, you’re allowed to go away,” she laughs. “I encourage it, even. I meant, who will be at the shelter? Wasn’t your excuse from every girl’s holiday that you didn’t trust anyone to run things while you were gone? What’s changed, Miss workaholic?”

“I spoke to Lloyd and Sam last night. They’re better off without me breathing down their necks anyway,” I say, picking up a bikini that’s at least ten years old–but it’s my favourite one—before throwing it into the case. “It’s about time I let the reins go a little. I wouldn’t have made Lloyd manager if he wasn’t capable, and Sam is the best vet I’ve ever met, so I know my animals are in good hands. Plus, my brothers are offering me a free trip to Vegas. Remember, they both get the second part of their trusts now they’re 35. Lucky buggers,” I mutter under my breath.

“Oh, right, I forgot about that. Well, do you want me to pop in to help? I can volunteer if they need extra hands. Rope Grayson in too.”

I smile at her offer. “Thanks, babe, but I think they’ve got it covered. We went over everything last night once Max persuaded me to go.”

“I’m still pissed they didn’t invite me and Liam,” Grayson shouts in the background.

Nora laughs. “Did you hear him? He’s salty he didn’t get an invite.”