Page 82 of All of My Lasts

I stroke her face and she sighs, looking at me longingly. “I’m so fucking hungry right now.”

I laugh at the intrusion from her stomach.

“What? I was hungry before the sex and I’m pretty sure my stomach is eating itself now.”

“Then we better get you food before you release that hangry beast.”

I stand and grab a snack bar from my suitcase. She forgets how well I know her, so I came prepared.

I toss her the bar and she smiles a beaming grin at me before opening it and chomping down.

“Now, go get the room service menu and pick something. I want to watch you walk around naked,” I say, lying back down on the bed.

As she comes back into view, I can feel my cock threaten to come to life again. Her eyes are shining, her soft natural waves hang messily around her face with that just fucked look I love so much. I move my arm to prop my head up so I can watch her better as she sways her hips towards me, her breasts bouncing as she moves. I smirk because that beautiful creature is all mine.

She smiles brightly at me, dimple and all, and my chest constricts in the most familiar way. In the way I’ve only ever felt with her. It’s how I knew I loved her when we were kids, because I felt like my chest was a constant thunderstorm, and now that feeling is back.

We spend ten minutes animatedly discussing what food to order. Jess insists that she won’t steal my chips if I get the steak, but I know her, so in the end, we both order the steak and chips.

There’s a knock at the door half an hour later and the smell of our dinner has me salivating. Jess comes into the living area in one of my t-shirts after the staff has delivered our food and if I wasn’t so hungry, I’d want to eat her for dessert first.

“That smells so good. I think I’ve gone to heaven.”

You and me both, baby.

Before I even lift the metal cloche from my dinner, she is already scoffing her food, moaning in appreciation.

My cock twitches involuntarily at the sound. The side of my mouth tips up as I take my first mouthful and the explosion of taste now has me moaning too.

She looks at me triumphantly. “Right? It’s incredible, isn’t it?”

We eat mostly in silence, apart from our odd moan of satisfaction, and once we’re done, I search my suitcase for something I have planned for our trip. “I want to do something tonight. Get dressed. Put something warm on. It’ll be cold out.”

Jess looks at me with a confused look. “Wait, right now? It’s practically midnight Liam, and my tummy is so full. Look.” She pats it affectionately and pouts at me.

“I know, but get dressed, baby. It’ll be worth it. Promise.” I get dressed and Jess follows, grumbling and every now and again, throwing glances my way to see if she can figure out what I’m up to.

Ten minutes later, we're outside on the chilly streets of Paris, heading to a place I've never wanted to take anyone before.

We arrive at the bridge. The moon is dancing on the surface of the Seine like a bubble dancing in the breeze. The water looks inky black under the night sky, twinkling with the reflection of the streetlights that line the riverbank. The autumnal breeze picks up a faint smoky aroma from the bar across the street where people sit, laughing and drinking.

"So… you brought me to a bridge." She says, half smiling and frowning at the same time.

“This is the Love Lock bridge orPont des Arts,as is the French name. Do you remember years ago people would put locks on this bridge with someone they love?”

Jess nods and turns her head slightly. “I’ll never get used to you speaking French, but yes, I remember,” she says as I kiss her cold, pink cheek.

“Do you know the story behind how it started?” Jess shakes her head again, so I continue. “The story goes that a woman who lost her love in the war would place a lock onto any bridge she visited around Europe to show they were never really apart and always unbreakable.”

I place the lock in Jess’ hand and she twirls it around, staring at the space that is engraved with our initials. She brushes her thumb against the letters, tracing them slowly, before she locks eyes with me. The look on her face is one I haven’t seen since we were kids, and it almost floors me. The honesty blaring in her blue iris’ is so bright it makes the moon look dull. I want to capture this moment and remember it for the rest of my life, so I wrap my hands around her face.

“Jess, I want to be there for you. I want to see you happy. Be there when you’re sad and comfort you when you’re sick. I love the way you pretend to be strong, but secretly love the soppy parts of a movie. I love snarky Jess, hangry Jess, hungover Jess and happy Jess, and I’ll damn sure love any other versions of you that pop up in the future because…” I pause, sucking in a deep breath before I say the words that have been on the tip of my tongue for longer than I care to admit. “I love you and I don’t want to be without you.”

A single tear falls from Jess’ eye. She turns her head slightly to kiss the inside of my palm and when I drop my hands, she launches herself into me, burying her head into my chest.

“I love you too. I’m scared as hell to admit it, but I don’t know how I could ever love anyone that isn’t you.”

The honesty in her voice. It’s unravelling me. Making me want to be anything and everything for her. I make the decision there and then to talk to my dad as soon as we are back in London to figure this out for her.