Page 75 of All of My Lasts

“Well I… there is something…” Fuck, guilt slams into me, I can’t betray my Dad but I hate not telling Jess. I swallow the razor blades lining my throat as her hands cup my face softly.

“Hey, you don’t have to tell me right now. It’s okay, we’re good. Come. Let’s go to bed.”

She gives me a big smile, my favourite one where her dimple shows. I rub my thumb over the spot where it appears and I sigh. “You’re making me a wet blanket, Miss Scott. What am I going to do with you?” My nose grazes hers as I inhale my favourite smell… her.

Her eyes twinkle. “I think if anyone is wet here, it’s me.” She grips the back of my neck and pulls me to her.

“S-Sorry,” I stutter. “I think my brain just short circuited. Say that again.”

Her breath skates across my neck, our bodies still pressed together, making me instantly hard. “I’m wet for you, Liam.”

Knowing that she's wet and wanting me right now has all the hairs on my neck prickling. I push it away, because there’s something I need to do first.

“Scotty, that is music to my ears. You have no idea, but… ” I say, almost drooling.

“Something more pressing than this?” She presses her hand to my erection, rubbing slowly.

Fuck me, if I wasn’t hard before, I’m made of steel now.

“Christ Jess…”

Trying to regain some control, I slide my hands around to her bum and squeeze hard and she gasps, looking at me from under her lashes. Her eyes glint; feral and all fucking mine. My need for her overtakes every thought I’ve had in the last five minutes. I can barely form a sentence, let alone talk to her about everything right now. She grinds down onto my waiting erection, and my throat rumbles with desire. I’m shelving this conversation again, but right now my world is being rocked by a temptress that I have no business resisting.

I lean into her ear. “You’d better get that sweet arse upstairs, Scotty, because I need to sink my cock into you right fucking now.”

Standing us both upright, Jess looks at me and smirks like the little devil she is. She casually turns her body and rubs her arse against my cock, which is straining to break free from my chinos. I grip her chin, holding her back against my front.

“You playing with me, Scotty?” She doesn’t answer, she just bends over in front of me to pick up a pillow. “Fuuuuuuck, that’s it. You’re going to get it.” I tap her arse one more time and chase her up her stairs. When we get upstairs, she squeals in excitement and jumps onto her bed, legs wide open, eyes wild. She crooks a finger telling me to come to her.

And who am I do disobey my girl?



Iwakeslowlyfrommy dream; a memory of the night Liam and I broke up. My eyes blink softly as I remember it. The thick fog of that night stayed with me for a long time. I’d go as far as to say that a part of me held onto it because I never wanted to say a final goodbye to him. I threw myself into everything except relationships instead and shut the door to my heart.

Today, waking up, I realise that I no longer hold on to that feeling anymore. The fog has gone, and all that is left is me and Liam. Together.

I don’t want to say that this is it or we will be together forever because nothing is guaranteed. I, of all people, know that, but what I do know is we were meant to find each other again. I needed to apologise to him the other night and as much courage as it took for me to face it, now, I know I did the right thing.

It's freeing, letting myself feel so much, especially after spending so long with my heart tucked away.

Every second around him has me wanting more. I can feel myself slipping down a slope that only he has carved for me. Except this time, I’m aware and I’m beginning to let myself feel everything… and feel it deeply. And the biggest thing is that he is right there with me.

My alarm blares on my phone next to me, pushing me into a fully conscious state. I force myself to get out of bed and jump in the shower. It’s early, 5 am, but I want to go to the gym before work. As I’m drying off, I’m distracted by thoughts of what to pack for Paris as we’re leaving in the morning.

Reality hits me again and I can’t stop the huge grin spreading across my face. Not only am I going to Paris, but I’m going with Liam. Jesus, a few weeks ago if someone would’ve told me this would be happening, I would not have believed them at all.

I grab my suitcase and start to pack easy items: underwear, toothbrush, pyjamas. I may have chosen my lace and satin ones just for him, although I secretly hope I won’t get the chance to wear them. I choose a few easy to wear items: my converse, mom jeans, a midi skirt and some basic t-shirts, and I place some dresses that are dressier for evenings on hangers before deciding that I’ll pack the rest after work.

Heading downstairs, I see that Nora isn’t awake yet. She rarely wakes up before 6:30 am, so I move around my kitchen finding granola and fruit. I sit and enjoy breakfast with the sunshine peeking through the kitchen windows.

I have this urge to call Liam; I know he usually runs before work, so before I overthink it and talk myself out of it, I drop him a text to see if he is awake and he calls me back almost instantly.

“Hey Scotty.” His breathless voice does things to me.

“Hey, are you running?”