Page 68 of All of My Lasts

Nora looks up at me, tears still streaming. “Crying, you cry baby.” She sobs again and Liam shakes with laughter.

“Don’t be a little shit or you don’t get any of those brownie points from this morning that I know you’re saving for later,” I tell him.

He zips his mouth shut and grins at me.God, he shouldn’t be this cute.

The movie ends, and everyone gets up to make some snacks. Ours seem to have run out and that just won’t do for my movie choice.

I make more popcorn and Nora grabs the M&M’s from the cupboard and mixes them in.

I load up my choice—10 things I hate about you. A solid choice, if you ask me.

We watch the movie in silence, or what I thought was silence, until Liam leans towards me and whispers, “You’re miming all the words.”

I am?Huh

“I like this movie, so sue me.” I shrug.

He nuzzles into my neck. “I remember. You’re cute.”

I hum as goosebumps scatter over my skin. “Tell me more…”

“You’re hot.”




“My favourite flavour actually.”


“And you make me wild for you.” He growls into my neck, and I almost pass out from the instant heat travelling around my body at lightning speed. If I didn’t love this movie so much, I would’ve dragged him upstairs and shown him ten things I want to do to him. But Ireallylove this movie.

Have I seen it a thousand times? Yes.

Do I need to watch it once more? Also, yes.

Is it more fun seeing Liam battle with wanting to throw me over his shoulder and drag me upstairs caveman style or let me watch my favourite movie? One hundred per cent, yes.

He nods to Nora, and I spy her mouth open, deep breathing, fast asleep. He winks at me in suggestion.

“She’s cute when she sleeps.” I pat his arm, letting him know that I’m still planning on watching the movie and not having sex with him whilst Nora sleeps.

He flops back onto the sofa with a huff that makes me grin like a Cheshire cat.

“I know you’re smiling.” He tugs me back into his arms.

“I just really love this movie, you know.”

I hear him mumble something about little five-foot women, but I let it slide.

He’s even cuter when he’s grumpy.

