Page 57 of All of My Lasts

She turns to scowl at me. “I’m notcute.”

“You really are,” I taunt.

She grunts, making me smile even harder.


She turns further away from the camera.


She peeks over her shoulder looking down at the camera at me but doesn’t say anything, a scowl firmly in place, perfect pouty lips still pursed and so kissable.

“I really like you.”

She huffs in defeat, knowing she can’t keep this up and turns so she’s facing the ceiling so I can see her side profile; she’s fighting a smile, and something blooms in my chest as she mumbles…

“I really like you too.”



Thenextfewdaysat work are busy; we have a conference being held all week, and the hotel is bustling with Italians. In truth, I’m grateful for the distraction, and it doesn’t hurt to be called Bella by a sexy Italian man every now and again.

Although that is as far as it will go as my mind has been firmly on Liam. We’ve spoken every moment we can and I still tingle when I think of our video call the other night. My first attempt at phone sex was definitely a success.

Liam has a surprise for me this week, but he won’t tell me what, when, or where. I’m not great with surprises, but I guess I’m starting to trust him because a surprise from him doesn’t seem to spook me at all.

It’s Thursday afternoon, and I’m closing the event room from the earlier conference. It’s not that late, but my feet are killing me, and I'm dying to wander into my office for a moment of peace. The warmth from the radiator and the dark light in here are making me feel even more sleepy. My body sags into my winged office chair, letting the throb of my feet dull for just a second. A buzz from my phone brings me back to the present. I yawn loudly and stretch out my body as I reach for to check it.

Liam:Hey beautiful, how is working going? I’m headed to the gym after work. Call me later?

Liam:I hope you are working hard and not ghosting me because that hurts more than eating those seriously hot chicken wings from that place we went to when we were kids.

Liam:Don't tell me you don’t remember. I definitely do. You were far too stubborn for your own good and then the way your head exploded because the sauce was so hot had me crying with laughter.

Liam:Not just me though, Nora too. So, you can’t be mad at me.

Liam:Ok I get it; you have moved on. Probably with a man from the conference who is called something ridiculously Italian like Lorenzo and has swooped you off your feet already.

Liam:Fine, put me out of my misery, Scotty. Lay it on me.

Liam:P.S. I miss you.

The laughter that spills out of me is loud and carefree. I’ve neglected my phone a lot today, and it seems I’ve managed to make someone needy. I almost call him to put him out of his misery, but pining Liam is a very sweet version of him. I ponder my reply to him for a second.

Jess:If you must know, his name is Giovanni, and we are madly in love. He is whisking me away to his family home in Sardinia tonight in fact.

I bite my lip as I wait for his reply.

Liam:Please tell Giovanni that he isn’t allowed to have you because I want you far more than he ever will. I’m also sure that I can keep you satisfied for much, much longer.

I openly laugh out loud at his text.He really could, though.

My office phone rings as the red light flashes, telling me it’s the front desk. “Hello?”

“Miss Scott, you asked me to call to remind you about the large booking tomorrow night.”