Page 54 of All of My Lasts

My mouth waters as the aromatic steam rises from the chicken and vegetables that fill the bowl and my stomach growls, not realising how starved I was. Work was crazy busy today, so I only managed a very quick protein bar for lunch, but now I’m about to make up for it.

As we sit down and dive into our food, we settle into a peaceful quiet, just the three of us like it always is.

“So, sweetheart, tell me what have you been up to? I’ve missed you.”

“Ma, I saw you three days ago when I came by with Dad after work.”

She waves her hand dismissively. “I know, but this is family time. We don’t get to talk much when it’s not about work with you two,” she points her knife between my dad and me and we look at each other and shrug.

I haven’t talked to them about Jess and me reconnecting yet. When they recommended the restaurant, I didn’t tell them who I was taking. Grayson is the only one who knows so far. “Do you both remember Jessica Scott?”

My dad coughs, almost choking on his dinner, so I slap his back to help him clear whatever that was. “You mean the only girlfriend you’ve had… that Jessica Scott?” he says between splutters.

“The one and only…” I bite into my food, ignoring the subtle dig. “Well, we’ve been seeing each other again.”

My mum squeals a noise that I don’t think I’ve ever heard her make before and I’m not sure I’ll forget in a hurry either. “Jesus, Mum.” I place my hand over my chest to steady my nerves.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that you and her… Gosh, you were both so sweet. It was so sad that it never worked out.”

Yeah, it was sad. I was sad, for months after we broke up. Not only had I lost my girlfriend, but my best friend too, and that stung more than I could handle. That’s when I threw myself into dad’s business. I worked until I was dead on my feet between college and the office, but it made me learn fast and I’m grateful for that.

“Thanks, Ma. I don’t know what we are yet, so don’t get excited.”

Fuck, I probably shouldn’t have told her because my mum has zero chill when it comes to me.

“Does she know her mum is in London, working for us?”

And there it is; the very thing I’ve been avoiding since I bumped into Jess. I can hear the tension in his voice as my dad speaks, but it’s got nothing on the tension I feel in my body right now at his reminder.

“No. I haven’t said anything.” My lips form a frown, hating that I haven’t said anything to Jess yet.

“Boys, I said no shop talk, please,” Mum warns us both and I drop the subject for now, knowing that this won’t be the last time we talk about it. “You must invite Jess over for dinner soon,” she adds brightly.

“I’m sure she’d like that. She hasn’t changed, still gorgeous and fiercely independent.” I find myself blushing at the thought of her.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Jessica coming here for dinner, until we figure out things with her mother,” my dad adds.

Heat rises as I squeeze my knife and fork in my hands, forcing myself not to react.

“John, will you stop it,” my mum interjects.

Dad sighs frustratedly, ploughing a hand through his thick, peppered grey hair. “Liam, all I’m saying is, I expect you to keep confidentiality with this. It’s what any respected CEO would do, and you should do the same. You have a duty of care to Claire now. Think about your future with my company. You need to act in the interests of others, too.”

I scoff, disbelieving the words he’s saying or not saying. “Ourcompany, Dad. You’ve spent my whole life preparing me for this, so threatening my future, when all I’ve done is dedicate my entire career toourcompany is… well, it’s fucking low.” I’m not backing down easily, but I will follow the rules for now, “I’m not going to say anything yet.”

“You won’t say anything at all,” he booms.

“You know, you’re acting like this is more important than someone I care about, but I know that can’t be right,” I say my chest rumbling with anger.

“This companyisthe most important thing. I need to see consistent leadership from you, and spilling something like this, without consent from Claire herself doesn’t do that. It shows me you can’t handle confidential matters and being a CEO comes with much more responsibility than what to tell your girlfriend.”

I stand abruptly, rage simmering like a vast stormy ocean beneath my skin. “I’m completely capable as a member ofyourleadership team and you know it.”

My fists clench by my side as I try and dampen my temper. I suddenly feel the need to be somewhere else. “I’m sorry, I’m heading out. Thank you for dinner, Ma. It was delicious as always. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow, Dad.”

I walk out into the cool October air and take a lungful of oxygen before blowing it out, releasing that conversation. My dad’s always been a workaholic, but I don’t need him riding me for this, not when I’m beating myself up enough about it.

When I get home, I see a text from Jess and my chest constricts.