Page 45 of All of My Lasts

“Jessica Scott, you do something to me.” The way his nose brushes against mine and the hard press of him against my leg sends my body signals my heart isn’t ready for yet. “Will you tell me what you wished for now?” he whispers into my ear.

I smile, knowing exactly what I wished for. I press my mouth to his ear, “Now that’s a secret, lover boy.”




Iturnmyphoneon after landing in Chicago to see a text from Jess. I’ve thought about her and that kiss in her kitchen last night endlessly, like listening to my favourite song on repeat. That moment is etched into my brain like Groundhog Day, and I can’t get enough.

Jess:I hope you landed safely. Well, not you, your plane.

Jess:Well, maybe you on the plane. Okay… going to overthink this text for the next seven hours. Byeeee x

I start laughing at her message and type my reply.

Liam:Seven hours is a long time to overthink that. Both plane and me are in Chicago safely though, fyi x

I glance at my watch; I’ve got an hour to get across town to the hotel, change and be at my meeting downtown.

I hail a taxi and hope that traffic isn’t too bad and won’t leave me rushing. Another text from Jess comes through as I climb into the back seat.

Jess:Overthinking is pretty much a full-time job, but I’m glad you and the plane are safe. Mostly you x

I like that she thinks about me. I like that she’s been on my mind so much lately. The grin that spreads across my face is inevitable when I think of her. It always has been.

Jeremy Presser is the man I have come to woo in Chicago. His company has an opportunity to branch into London and we want to secure the contract that provides his company with the properties he wants. If I can land this, it’ll help the move into international waters in the future, but also show my dad that I’m willing to expand his business further than he might be able to right now.

The time between the taxi ride and me sitting opposite Jeremy flies like the passing of a moment. One minute I’m daydreaming, thinking about Jess, the next I’m sitting opposite a middle-aged Yank who doesn’t know that he’s not the reason I’m sweating so much.

“I really appreciate you coming out here, Liam. The situation at work meant I couldn’t leave, but I’m glad we could arrange a time for this. How is your father doing?”

“He’s doing well. He sends his regards to you and your family.” I smile genuinely.

“You must come out for dinner tonight with my wife and me. Let us show you more of the city.”

“I’d love to. Chicago looks like a wonderful place. Shall we get down to business?”

He nods and tells his assistant to get us more coffee. Honestly, another one and I might be a bit too jittery, but I nod and smile politely.

“So, the market right now is prime for you to make the move into London and we have several properties we think would be perfect.” I pass him the printed details I hand-picked for him. I already know which one he’ll choose based on his current offices, but choice here is key. “I think many of these would suit your needs, but have a look and see which catches your eye.”

He browses through the five options and I see his eyes glimmer as soon as he finds the one I knew he’d like the most

“I see that look… that’s my favourite, too. State of the art offices near canary wharf, perfect access being in the centre of the city. The entire ground level is the foyer and security offices, the basement is where all the tech servers would be. There is a gym and a creche option if you would like to offer that to your employees on the second floor. All other floors are offices except the top two, which are reserved for your upper management team and can only be accessed with a code. Oh, and the rooftop has a bar that is partially sheltered. With a company as successful as yours, I think this building is a great fit.”

Jeremy nods thoughtfully as he processes my sell. “I think you’re right. Our company has gotten so big overseas that we need this space, and the location is perfect.” He looks up at me, "Mr Taylor, you are a very impressive young man. Where do I sign?”

Fuck me.I’ve just landed the biggest international contract my dad’s company has ever had.

I extend my hand for Jeremy and he shakes it firmly and without hesitation. “I’ll have my assistant email the contract to yours within the hour. Thank you, sir. You’ve made the right choice.”

He waves me off, laughing. “Sir is what my father was called. I’m not that old yet, son. You made that very easy for me. I’m grateful…” He glances at his watch. “I have another meeting in ten minutes, but I’ll have my assistant give you the details for dinner tonight and I’ll show you more of our beautiful city before you head home tomorrow.”

I nod and gather my paperwork. “Excellent. I look forward to it.”

It takes all my strength not to fist pump the air right now and jump around the office. I’m buzzing. I just landed a deal that will rocket our company’s worth by at least fourteen million pounds. I fire off an email to Helena to make sure the contracts get there asap.