Page 42 of All of My Lasts

“Okay… I understand that. We’ll take it slow. I’ll be your buffer if things get too weird and then I’ll leave when I know you’ve got it under control.”

I nod my head.

Even as my heart races and my chest tightens again. Everything… is… completely… normal.



“Andyou’resureyoudon’t mind closing the event tonight?” I ask Kylie, who I know is more than capable, even before I asked the question.

“Really, Jess? I’ve closed a thousand events. I know you’re my boss, but you’re insulting me right now. Go. You never leave early. Enjoy it.”

I nod anxiously. She’s right, I’m being annoying. “Okay, I’m going. Thank you again. Oh, and don’t forget—”

She interrupts me before I turn around. “To tell Jake to turnallthe lights off in the kitchen. I know, he’s the worst at remembering.”

Shit, she really has got this. I smile and she waves me goodbye, basically shooing me out of my own office.

As I make my way home on the underground, I listen to the screeching of the trains, the bustle of the people coming and going, the whip of cold, musty air as my train approaches that makes my hair fly around my face and when I can’t find a seat, I stand and open my phone to scroll through the recipe for later, mentally prepping everything in my head.

At home, I quickly shower. As I step underneath the hot water, my mind wanders to Liam. I wonder how much he has changed from the kids we were. From what I’ve seen so far, he’s still him. Everything used to be so natural between us that I never gave much thought about being compatible with him. We just were. And I can’t help wondering if we still are.

My relationships since him have been… scarce.

Commitment isn’t a word I’d use to describe my love life. Not that I haven’t had boyfriends, I have, but I guess I’ve been less than available for the guys I’ve gone out with.

I quickly wash my hair, realising that I’ve spent far too long in the shower. I throw on a pair of jeans and a pretty floral, sheer top, moisturise my face, pop on some mascara and leave my hair slightly damp as I rush back downstairs.

As I hit the bottom step, Nora comes in through the front door. “Hey.” She drops her bags in the cupboard and toes her shoes off in the hallway.

“Hey, babe, I’m just about to start dinner. Liam will be here in half hour or so.”

“I’m going to shower quickly and I’ll come and help you. Give me ten minutes.”

In the kitchen, I combine all my ingredients into a bowl and start mixing the meatballs. As it comes together, I make individual balls and place them into my hot pan. Once they are cooking on low, I start to boil some water and grab the salad ingredients, just as Nora comes into the kitchen.

“Let me do the salad. You finish your sauce.” She gestures to the other ingredients.

Just as I mix the meatballs into the sauce, the doorbell rings. My soul near enough leaves my body and Nora places her hand on my shoulder. “Want me to get it?”

I shake my head, faking a calm smile. “I’ve got it.”

I take a few slow steps towards my front door, passing the mirror in the hallway. I glance over and straighten my outfit, run my hands through my wavy, still damp hair before placing my hand on the door handle and exhaling a quick breath.

The motion of the door opening wafts his scent towards me, and I feel as though a thousand little fireflies are surrounding me, carrying it to me. It is masculine; warm and fresh… so familiar. I have to fight to keep my eyes open because all they want to do is close and while I bask in it. Just for a second.

When our eyes connect, the zap of energy that I felt at the hotel is back as we stare at each other. I watch the corners of his lips quirk upwards into a signature Liam-Taylor charming smile that makes it hard to look away. He pushes off my doorway–which seemed so much smaller with him near it—his large arms are framed with a long-sleeved, white t-shirt that tappers down his sculpted body. When he steps forward into my house, the air disappears, as though my body is suddenly fighting to acclimatise at the top of Mount Everest. Then, when one strong arm pulls me into a hug, before I can form another thought or utter a word, I definitely stop breathing altogether. I’m trapped in some sort of warped dimension where this giant version of the boy I used to love ten years ago, is hugging me and I’m confused as hell because my muscle memory has kicked in and it remembers Liam very well.

It’s only when he finally releases me that I suddenly decide that maybe air is overrated anyway and I’d much prefer to suffocate in his arms.

“You look fucking beautiful, Jess.” His gaze scorching and devious as he scans over every inch of me.

I suddenly feel the need to make a joke to shake off the rising heat at the back of my neck. “I showered. Are you proud?”

“So proud,” he chuckles.

As steps forwards, he hands me a dandelion.