Page 4 of All of My Lasts

I guess the bigger question is, how do you tell someone you like them when you’ve been friends for years? How do you tell someone that their existence is the highlight of your day, of every day you get to see her? I can’t just lay it on her.

“Surprise! Your best friend wants to go out with you.”

No, that's too much.

She’ll likely punch me and assume I’m messing with her, but in reality, I'm not. I’m about to change the very fundamentals of our friendship.

Maybe having her as a friend is enough. Maybe I can get over this and still have her in my life… as a friend. That’ll be enough. Except it isn’t. I know it. I feel it. The foundation we’ve paved in our friendship has led us here. I know her well enough to know that shedoeslike me. It’s subtle, but it’s there; an invisible string connecting us together.

“Are you okay? You look seriously pale down there.” Jess looks at me curiously and this is the problem with liking your best friend—when you are acting weird, they notice… and they care.

“You think you could come down here?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

Jess nods, the ladder creaking as she moves. As she gets to the last step, she trips on the lace of her Converse and falls forwards into my arms.

And right now… this moment will forever be etched into my memory as the first time I got to feel up Jessica Scott because I catch her awkwardly. And by awkwardly, I mean my hand flies out before I can stop it and my palm firmly connects with Jess’ boob. Her actual boob.

Yeah, the universe saw an opportunity to have a good laugh at my expense.

My cheeks have been replaced by fireballs, an instant flame burning through my face. My hands are still touching her as I fumble over my apology. “Shit… Jess, I’m sorry. Fuck, this is… I-I’m so sorry,” I rush, standing her upright and removing my hands from her.

She just laughs… really laughs. I obviously can’t because I just grabbed the girl I like by the tit. Just before I was going to tell her I like her.

Fuck. My. Life.

Oh, and to make matters worse, my guydown therehas decided now is the perfect time to try to stand to attention, because I can still very much feel the imprint of Jess' boob on my hand.

Jesus, that fiery pit of lava feels quite appealing right about now.

“Liam, it’s fine. Stop apologising,” she chuckles awkwardly before continuing. “Seriously, forget it. Come on, we have to get this place clean for your dad in less than half an hour.”

I take a deep breath and force myself to keep cool and not let my raging hormones take over.

The moment is slipping away from me again, so instead of deciding that might be for the best, considering what just happened, I take a deep breath and plunge headfirst into that lava.

“Jess, I… I like you. Ilikeyou like you. I don’t want you to go out with Dan or anyone else. I should’ve said something last night. But I’m telling you now because I want you to know I think about you… and not just in a friendship way. In the kind of way that has me wanting you to trip over again so I can touch your other boob.”

Shit. I said boob. To Jess. I said boob.

Why is it so hot in here?

Her big blue eyes stare at me amused, the sides of her mouth curve upwards into a cute as fuck smile, her skin blooms a pink colour behind her ears. It’s the most adorable look I’ve seen on her to date. Jessica Scott blushing… over me.

I decide to swallow my nerves and be bold because I’ve already broken the ice, so I may as well learn to swim in cold water, or lava, whatever it is I’m in right now. I hold her hands in my shaky ones, as our bodies meet in the middle, almost touching but keeping a thread of distance between us.

Her eyes shine up at me. I watch her lips roll between her teeth before she smiles the biggest grin. “I win.”

My face contorts into a frown. “You win?” My head fumbles through other words that I can’t seem to articulate. “You win,” I repeat. “I… you… I… huh?”

Jess beams triumphantly at me still, making me more confused. “Yep, I do. Nora had a bet to see which of us would fold first and admit we like each other, and she bet against me, little witch, but jokes on her because I win.”

I rub my chin, letting her hand go. “That’s a lot to unpack. Nora knows I like you. How… when… I haven’t even admitted it out loud until now.” My voice rises to an octave, I wasn’t sure I could hit.

Jess pulls me closer, connecting our hands again. Tiny sparks of electricity vibrate across my skin from her touch and I wonder if she feels it, too. “Nora sees everything…” Her eyes dip briefly to my lips. “But let’s just circle back to the part where you like me because I’d like to see you get all flustered again.”

As if on cue, my face heats, and my whole body feels like it might catch alight. The air is sucked from my lungs, and I have an overwhelming urge to tell her exactly what she wants to hear.

“I’d like to try that again… without the boob comment.”