Page 18 of All of My Lasts

“What are you doing right now?”


“Oh, okay. I thought it was something serious.”

That does make my head lift slightly to shoot her a raised eyebrow, because that really is all I can manage.

“I worked a double shift today. I’m exhausted and now I can’t even get my uniform off.”

“I don’t think I understood most of that, because your head is buried in the bed, but still… want me to take off your shirt and get your hoodie?”

I nod and feel the bed bounce again as Nora stands.

The struggle to get my dead arms out of the shirt is almost not worth the hassle, but once I’m free of my restraints, Nora helps me sit up like a grandma in a nursing home and pulls my hoodie over my head for me.

“There you go, Princess.” She pats my cheek, and I refrain from kicking her in the shin as she stands.

“Didn’t you start your internship today?” I ask her.

“Yeah, it was… good.”

“… But?”

Nora turns to face me. “I think I have a lot to learn still.”

“Isn’t that the point of college?” I ask, confused.


“You can’t expect to know everything within six weeks, Nor. Just go with it. Be a sponge, learn as much as you can from this. You’ll be a great therapist one day. Hey, I’ve got plenty of issues for you to practice with.” I wink, joking, but half serious too.

“Don’t even joke about that… speaking of issues. Did you write your letter to Liam?”

That is a great question. Did I write my letter?Technically, the answer is yes. Has he seen it yet? That would be a no.

“I’ve definitely made a start.”

“You know, I hope your therapist can see right through you because you just lied to my face.”

I squeeze my eyes together. “Fine. I’ve written it but it’s still in my drawer. I’m scared to send it.”

“What if you sent him a picture of it, so you don’t spend the whole time thinking about it being lost in the post or how long it’ll take… remove the element that makes you overthink sending it and just do it.”

I think for a second. “That’s not a bad idea… Except for the fact that I’m scared of the words I’ve written and what he’ll say when he reads it.”

“Oh, right… Just send it. If you don’t, I will.”

“Said Miss future therapist,” I tease.


Jess:Merry Christmas Eve. Nora is making me watchThe Grinchand I’ve never related to someone more in my life #hatehatehatedoublehate

Liam:#loatheentirely. I wish I was there with you.The Grinchis my favourite Christmas film.

Jess:Six more days xx

Liam:Six more days Scotty x