Page 14 of All of My Lasts

“Listen here, Scotty, you will never lose me. Things aren't perfect right now, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be again. I love you, Jessica Scott. This isn’t the end.”

“How can you be so sure?” My voice breaks on the last word.

“I’m sure of you, Jess. I’m sure that no matter what, we’ll figure it out.”

I stare down at my hands that are resting on Liam’s chest, unable to meet his eyes again because as much as I want to believe his confidence in us, I don’t know that my heart can take the distance from him, but I’m also not willing to give him up.

Seconds feel like hours as we stand on the pavement, wrapped in each other, both refusing to let go. Liam traces soft strokes on my shoulders as he holds me close.

I inhale deeply and finally look up at him, kissing his perfectly soft lips.

“I love you, Liam Taylor.”

He smiles at me like I put the stars in the sky for him and my heart flutters against his chest. The problem with the stars is they’re surrounded by darkness; a darkness I can relate to. But Liam… he is sunshine. He is that magical moment the sun rises and sets, and selfishly I want to feel the warmth of him all the time. Leaving him feels like I might drown in my own darkness.

I glance to my left to see Nora, Cam, and Harriett waiting in the car for me. Nora watches through the window with tears in her eyes. My throat swallows thickly as I tell my brain to put one foot in front of the other and walk towards the car.

My steps are heavy as I move away from Liam.

My body begging me to stay with him.

Tears falling like waterfalls down my cheeks.

One step.

Two steps.


The distance between us feels like a valley already, and I’ve barely made it to the car.

I take one last look at Liam. I mouthsee you soonand he mouthsI love you.

His words echo endlessly through my head.

Things aren’t perfect right now, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be again.



Myphonebuzzesonmy bedside table. One eye opens, then closes just as fast, cringing as the light bounces around my bedroom from the slits in my blinds. I let out a groan as I pat around, searching for the noise. When I finally grab it, I silence the alarm and pull the covers back over my head.

Mornings, well early mornings, arenotmy favourite time of day, but I need to get up. I’ve started running along the beach each morning and, as much as I don’t want to get out of my warm bed right now, I know that I need that adrenaline boost from my run.

I drag myself upright, running my hands through my wayward hair and down my face. As I stand, I stumble slightly, still shaking away last night’s sleep, as I quickly throw on my running gear.

My feet tiptoe quietly into the kitchen, where I spot Harriet at the counter making coffee. Her dark auburn hair pulled tightly in a bun and she’s wearing her ‘office clothes’ not her ‘artist clothes’.Her words, not mine. The difference is usually the splodges of paint that cover her artist clothes, so today must be a client day for her.

“Morning, sweetheart.” She smiles at me.

“Morning,” I reply, yawning.

“I made your water for you already. It’s in the fridge.”

My lips press together. I’m still not entirely used to people looking out for me as much as Cam and Harriet have. I spent over a year being the one looking after my mum, and I guess I’m still adjusting and finding my feet.

“Thank you,” I say shyly, as I grab the bottle from the fridge.