Page 11 of All of My Lasts

Fear slams into my chest so hard that I worry I might crack open, but I need to know I’ve got him, no matter what. In a world where everything can feel big and scary, he does everything to make me feel protected and grounded, even before he was my boyfriend. He holds me in the eye of the storm whilst my world spins out of control around me and right now, I need him to tell me that it’ll all be fine.

“You get to keep me, so long as I get to keep you too,” he whispers.

His words settle me, allowing me to exhale. I loosen my grip on the sheets and lay back, my heart rate finally returning to its usual rhythm.


“Yeah, Scotty?”

“Thank you,” I sigh.



“Hey,don’tmakemecome in there, Scotty!”

I playfully splash the blue sea water, that's lapping at my feet, over Liam again with a roguish smirk.

“That’s it, you’ve had it now.”

He comes hurling towards where I stand on the beach and throws me over his shoulder, making me squeal as he moves quickly through the waves and dunks us both.

The chill of the sea water hits me like a bucket of ice, coating my skin as I fight to the surface. My teeth rattle when I push out of the water and throw my arms around Liam’s neck, licking the salt water from my lips.

“It’s freezing.” I shudder, my legs wrapping around his waist, searching for his warm body.

He angles his head as he dips towards my mouth. All I can hear is the soft swooshing of the waves gliding past us as our lips collide.

“I can keep you warm.” He mumbles against my mouth, making butterflies flutter in my stomach. Big hot, fiery butterflies that ignite for him.

I slap his chest and push away from him. “You are very bad, Liam Taylor.” He laughs and splashes me, soaking me with more chilly droplets. My legs frantically tread water, my arms swirling around me, as a flash of pink on the sand catches my eye. The giant unicorn that Liam won for me earlier at the arcade sits proudly on our beach towels. It’s obnoxious and it’ll be a pain to carry home on the train, but I secretly love it.

Who even am I now? Loving huge soft toy unicorns. Someone save me.

On second thoughts, I’m happy here with this boy and my giant unicorn, with the waves rolling around us and the sun peeking through the clouds.

It’s been six weeks of him, of us.

Six weeks of soft kisses, stolen touches, and conversations about everything we can do together when we get older. He makes everything in my life less… noisy, and I’m grateful for that.

Things with my mum are still the same, good days and bad, but I find myself feeling more of the good since Liam and me became a couple. He brings a little bit of sunshine into my life and I love him for that. Not that I’ve told him that yet.

We took the train today to the beach, and in less than a few hours, we were surrounded by salty air and gritty sand; my happy place. Since school is almost over for the summer, we've made plans to spend most of our time enjoying adventures before we start college in September.

God, school is almost over. It’s scary that everything is so close to changing. We’re all going to the same college to finish the last two years before university. Liam is studying business; Nora, child psychology, and I’m enrolled in an events management course.

The thought of us all growing up and picking our futures at our age is daunting, but at least we’ll have each other still. That’s probably why I don’t feel like I’m going to freak out about it, in all honesty.

I let my fingers drift over the cool sea water as it sways around my waist. I watch Liam’s chestnut hair drips down his face; his skin tanned and golden, the light reflecting off his broad shoulders. I’m not sure he realises how bad I’ve got it for him. I bite my bottom lip, trying to school my face from the blush I can feel creeping over my skin.

He shakes his head like a dog as droplets of water whip my way, coating my skin in tiny little shocks of ice.

“Liam!” I cry. “You’re such an idiot,” I splutter, wiping my face as he peppers kisses all over me.

“Yeah, but I’myouridiot.”

My smile is schoolgirl big because heismine and I like it that way.