Page 70 of All of My Lasts

“It’s just… Jess, you looked… fucking shit scared and I’m trying hard to read you, but you’re not giving me much right now.” He runs a hand through his hair.

“Liam, I don’t want to talk about this here.”

He scoffs. “Were back to that?” He turns full circle before holding my eye contact again. “Is this what it’s going to be like forever?” he asks, frustration lacing his voice. “We have all this sexual chemistry, but you won’t talk to me about anything.” His eyes blaze with hurt and it pushes a lump into my throat.

“I didn’t say that, but I don’t want to talk about it here,” I plead.

“Okay, fine. Then when?” he asks quietly, contrasting his earlier mood.

I hesitate, unsure how to tell him that I’m scared to bring up anything about the past or the future. Years of therapy have prepared me for this moment to face my fears, but right now I just want to run.

“I don’t know… later?”

Liam nods, frowning at the floor now. When he looks at me again, his vulnerability almost floors me. “Okay... later then.” And he walks back to the pitch.

I let out a long, draining sigh as he leaves. Realising we didn’t put a time or place on when ‘later’ was.



“Pleasemakesurethatthe event today has all the tables set, and the kitchen is fully prepared an hour earlier than normal. I’ve had confirmation that they will be here in two hours, so that gives us enough time, but I need you to take point on this one because I have a meeting in twenty minutes with a potential wedding. Any questions?” I ask Kylie, who is quickly becoming my right hand.

She smiles and stands. “I’m on it, boss.” She collects the documents she needs from my desk and walks out of my office.

I just about have time to drink my not so hot coffee when I hear a knock at my door. “Come in,” I say, not looking up as I finish writing out the final quote for a wedding.

When my eyes snap up when I sense someone looming over my desk. “How can I…” My face stills. “Liam?” My brows crease with confusion. “You’re here…”

He nods, whilst tucking his hands into his suit trousers. “I wanted to talk if you have a minute.”

The look on his face tells me something is bothering him and I’m betting it’s what happened yesterday. “I have a meeting in twenty, but what’s up?” I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral, gesturing for him to sit opposite me.

Liam undoes his jacket and fiddles with the button for a second longer than he needs to, making me frown. His mouth opens and closes several times before he makes eye contact with me and finally sits in the chair. “I have to tell you something…”

I nod cautiously, “Okay…”

Just then, my office phone rings, making me wince at the sharp, shrill noise. “Hang on one second,” I say to Liam, who looks like he’s sweating now.

“Hello?” I pause as I listen to Jean-Pierre have a meltdown over the fact that there's a typo on the menus for an upcoming event. “Okay, Jean-Pierre, it’s no problem. I’ll get it fixed before my next meeting.” Looking to Liam, I flinch with an apology. “I’m sorry. I have to deal with this before my next meeting.” We both stand and I notice how pale Liam looks.

I round my office desk, suddenly unsure if I should kiss him or not. “Come over for dinner tonight and you can tell me then?”

He nods, touching my elbow and leaning down to kiss my cheek.

I want to apologise too, but I don't have time to get into anything right now. Whatever is bothering him is obviously something important for him to be this stiff with me. He’s always so cuddly and right now, it feels like he’s the opposite.

I smile at him, and when I receive one back, my shoulders loosen a little.

“See you tonight, Jess.”.


I tried to tell Jess about her mum, but the words just wouldn’t come, but I had to try. Grayson’s comment about our future might have freaked her out initially, but it made me realise that I’m keeping this from her, and I hate it. But when it came down to it, my dad’s voice echoed in my head, telling me that I’m making a mistake and jeopardising my future, and fuck, I froze. I’m currently on my way back to my office to figure out why my dad is so hellbent on making my life difficult, or more correctly, for how long.

As I round the corner to his office, I hear voices from the other side.

“Things have got more complicated, Claire.” My dad’s voice booms. Standing with my hand on his door handle, I wonder if I should listen or interrupt. Deciding I have a right to be involved in this discussion, I raise my hand and knock twice before my dad bellows for me to come in.