Page 67 of All of My Lasts

I decide I want to get the girls a decent coffee and breakfast and give them a chilled day and for that I need supplies. I make quick and quiet work of getting dressed and leave a note for Jess on her bedside table.

Gone to get supplies to fight your hangovers. Back soon, Your lover boy x

I find a café open down the street and grab some pastries, plus three americanos. I head back to the house whilst most of London is just beginning to wake up.

As I open the door quietly, there's still silence throughout the house.

Knowing they are both going to be suffering today, I head to the kitchen to set down the pastries, find some paracetamol and water. I put Nora’s breakfast and hangover remedies on a tray outside of her door, so she doesn’t have to go far for in search of anything.

As I head back into Jess’ room with her breakfast tray, I see her stir slowly and grumble. I sit on her side of the bed, brushing some hair from her face, looking down at my brown-haired beauty. There’s that tug in my chest again, telling me that I don’t ever want to lose her again.

Her skin is flushed from sleep and her hair looks like it has been attacked by birds overnight. I chuckle and that makes her eyes spring open. She looks at me, shocked for a second, and then a warm, familiar smile spreads across her face.

God, I can’t get enough of her.

“Good morning, baby.”

“Were you laughing at me just now?” Even though her voice is hoarse, she still manages to sound musical. She moves her hair from her face and pouts at me. That bottom lip has my crotch twitching.

“Not exactly laughing at you. I was laughing to myself at how adorable you look.” She jabs my ribs and I laugh again at her fake annoyed reaction.

“Lies. I do not look adorable.” She buries her head back into her pillow and curls up into a ball.

“Well, I happen to think you do. Even when you are hanging out of your arse.” I peck a kiss on her forehead. “I got you some breakfast, coffee and, most importantly, water and something for your head,” I say, whilst trying to move her hair from her face again.

Her head perks up, assessing me. Almost as if she can’t figure out something. “You really are too good.”

“So you told me last night.” I smile, opening the lid of her coffee cup, letting the smell drift towards her and she hums in appreciation.

That noise definitely sends another direct signal to my cock, who was already trying to get in on the action this morning.

"I was thinking… we could have a chilled movie day today?"

She nods her head, sipping her coffee, "That sounds perfect."


My brain is turning to mush. We’re on our second film of the day. All three of us are snuggled on the sofa, blankets and all, whilst we finish watching Nora’s film pick. Mine is next though and I’m ending it all on a classic.

Liam had first pick because he set us up this morning with his breakfast delivery, so he choseThe Shawshank Redemption.I may have had a nice nap through most of the second half and woke to Liam scowling at me because I missed his favourite bit of the movie. My justification was that the nap was really good because he was my pillow.

He’s cute when he scowls.

Nora’s pick isFather of the Bridebecause she’s a romantic at heart and we both grew up watching it. Nora made me watch it with her non-stop when we were kids and yes, fine, okay, I secretly love it, too.

Every party has a pooper… you know the rest, right?

Just like clockwork, whenever we watch this movie, Nora is sobbing and laughing simultaneously.

I’m definitely not crying too. Nope, not me.


Nora is, though. I had to pull her closer to me to make sure she didn’t start sobbing uncontrollably. Then Liam pulled me in closer, too.

“You’re just a big softie, aren’t you?” He kisses the top of my head, so I scoff because if I make any other noise, it’ll sound like a sob and I’mnotcrying.

“I’m not crying. I’m… I’m…”