Page 50 of All of My Lasts

“I do, but it’s more for fun now. I haven’t been a part of an adult team for years, but I do coach a Little League team on Sundays with my friend Grayson. He’s mostly hungover and I’m mostly exhausted from being up so early, but I hope we do a decent enough job. The kids are great.”

Jess groans. “Oh God, of course you teach tiny humans rugby… do you have any idea how many brownie points you get for that?”

I lean in and catch the scent of her sweet perfume. I’m not sure who was meant to be resisting who, but I definitely don’t want to anymore. My restraint is fraying by the second. “Maybe that was my plan all along. Coach the kids for brownie points with Jess.”

“Cute.” She narrows her eyes at me and laughs softly.

The evening moves too quickly; we both devour a woodfired pizza each ,that was arguably the best pizza I’ve had in years. I make a mental note to thank Mum and Dad for recommending this place. Picking up my napkin, I wipe the remnants of any pizza sauce from my mouth.

“Do you want dessert?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“What do you think?” She raises an eyebrow.

“I think I could probably order for you.”

“Okay, if you think I’m stillsopredictable, go on then.” Her arms cross over her body and her lips purse, reminding me how badly I’d like to kiss her again.

I signal the waiter and order a chocolate fudge cake with extra hot chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream.

“I’m impressed.”

“How can I forget your favourite dessert? Harriett used to make it all the time when we were kids. That cake is etched into my memory.”

Jess' eyes soften at the mention of us as kids. They shine and dance with swirls of blue and hints of grey, like bioluminescence in the ocean. “So, I don’t know if I’ve told you tonight yet, but you look ridiculously beautiful. Even that doesn’t feel accurate enough to describe you.” I hold her hand over the table and lift it to kiss her knuckles.

A charming, shy look crosses her face as she looks at me. “I’m not used to these compliments, Mr Taylor. You make a girl blush.” She really is the sweetest shade of pink right now, and I love it.

“There are other things I could do to make you blush, you know...”

Shit, that might have been a bit forward. I freeze and try to gauge her expression.

Please, don’t think I’m a creep. I’m really not. I’m just having a hard time keeping some of my fucking filthy thoughts to myself around you.

Jess’ eyes darken for a second, our hands still together, thankfully, so I don’t apologise for thinking out loud… not yet anyway.

“Oh yeah? Care to elaborate?” There’s a swell of anticipation around us, and I wonder if the other people in the room can feel it. I focus on her lips, my mouth dries, like I haven’t had a single drop of liquid touch my mouth for days. I want her and I want all of her. I need to taste her soon or I might explode.

“Well, what would you say if I wanted to kiss you right now?” I ghost my finger around the inside of her wrist and she lets out a small gasp, only loud enough for me to hear, and it lights a fire deep in my chest.

“I might not be able to stop you.”

Just as I shift my weight to move over to her side of the table, our desserts arrive, and we both look at each other and know the moment has passed… for now.

Cockblocked by cake.Excellent.

The cake is sweet, rich and warm and we both devour every crumb. I do my best to hold back as Jess groans and hums in appreciation of the cake. But I can honestly say that I’ve never wanted to hear those noises more in my life… just somewhere more private.

On the way out of the restaurant, I ask her to come back to my house for a night cap and to my surprise, she agrees. She reminds me it is just a night cap, and we will only be talking.

I shake my head and laugh.

She's cute when she thinks she's in control.

I bring out two glasses of caramel rum over ice and she purrs in appreciation when she tastes it. Those damn noises are back again, testing my limits, only it’s worse now because she’s in my house, in my space.

She moves over to the dark oak cabinet, and I follow her instinctively. The way she lets her fingers absentmindedly run over the curves of the wood has me mesmerised. Watching her caress every curve of the cabinet, seeing the sway of her hips as she shifts her weight from one foot to another.

Yeah, all those filthy thoughts are back from earlier and they brought friends. Lots of them.