“Fascinating.” She pressed her palm against his chest, her curiosity taking over. Only then did Nazyn seem to notice there was a literal light coming out of him. “What is it?”

Nayzn hesitated. “It’s a Deruzian instinctual reaction.”


“You.” Nazyn took her hands into his, bringing them both into his chest. “We glow when we’re extremely happy…”

A long pause followed. It felt like neither of them breathed. Time stopped and the wind paused as Nazyn said the words Darcy never imagined she would hear. “...with our fated mates.”

Darcy blinked too many times. “Fated mate?”


“The kind where the universe only made us for each other?”


“The kind where we spend the rest of our lives together?”

“Yes. If you want to.”

“The kind where we’re perfect for each other?”

“Yes to all of that. Darcy–” Nazyn licked his lips. “I know it’s strange for a human, but for a Deruzian it’s perfectly natural. Dare I say, logical.”

In a weird way, it was.That’swhy they felt so at ease in each others’ presence. Why they wanted to spend so much time together. Why, sometimes, Darcy could swear she felt Nazyn’s emotions.

The concept was new and very alien, but it warmed her human heart.

Because with Nazyn, she did feel like they were perfect together.

“You want to know something weird?” she asked.

“Weird is the basis of the entire universe. And yes.”

“It doesn’t feel that strange.” She smiled, the corners of her eyes pricking; but it was the good kind of pricking. These tears were happy ones, though she didn’t let them fall. This moment was too perfect.

Just like the two of them together.

Nazyn’s grin was so open and excited, Darcy’s heart leaped with joy. “Truly?”

“Truly. Like you said, it’s only logical.”

“Darcy.” He licked his lips. “Would you make me the happiest being in all of the universe and do me the honor of being my fated mate?”

“Yes,” she said, powerless to stop the tears now. “More than a million galaxies and billions of planets, yes.”

Nazyn wrapped her tightly in his powerful embrace, capturing her lips. This was another new kiss for them. It wasn’t slow and gentle like their small morning pecks. It wasn’t fast and urgent, like the ones filled with passion.

This one had the taste of certainty and knowing each other. How Darcy knew that when she licked Nazyn’s fangs, he shivered. Or how his thumb caressed the underside of her jaw because she let out a small moan when he did that.

They would spend the rest of their lives learning their quirks and likes. But they were off to a great start.

As the kiss deepened, so did their desire. The Forum weekend felt like an eternity ago and they hadn’t had a chance to enjoy their bodies together in so long. A few pulls and tugs later, they were both naked, in this place that felt like their own little heaven. The breeze blew against Darcy’s back, but her desire for Nazyn made her body boil with want.

He pulled her up against him once again, just like he’d had the first time in their hotel room, in what felt like another lifetime. As Darcy’s legs wrapped around his middle, Nazyn took flight once more.

But this wasn’t the hectic dash of before, when they’d speared the clouds. This was slow, hovering over the clouds like two primordial beings discovering the most delicious sin. Darcy didn’t know how long they spent flying, the sun shining on them, Nazyn’s chest glowing even brighter. All she could focus on were his touches, his kisses, the way his fangs barely graced the soft skin of her throat.