The shot was more painful than Nazyn had imagined.

It embedded itself into his skin with a menacing sizzle–but it didn’t pierce through. Instead, the blazing metal compacted on itself from the force, turning into a heated circle.

But it had definitely ruined his suit. Kiara wasn’t going to be pleased by this.

Richard blinked at him, stupefied. “What–?”

“You haven’t been paying attention, Richard. If a tank looked a bit small to be able to harm Deruzians, why would you think that punny weapon would do anything?” Nazyn plucked what was left of the bullet from his skin and pocketed it. It had left a red angry mark behind; it would probably heal in less than an hour.

Richard got over his shock and raised his weapon again, teeth clenched.

“By all means, try again and make more noise,” Nazyn said. “Alert everyone at the Forum to what you’re doing.”

Richard didn’t shoot again.

Pity. Nazyn would have loved the opportunity to tackle him to the ground.

He looked in the direction of Darcy’s figure, standing by the closet. Her hectic gaze scanned the bullet hole in his chest.

“Are you alright?” Nazyn asked.

“Yes. Areyou?”

“Very.” Nazyn stalked toward Richard and yanked the gun out of his hand with ease. He fixed him with his menacing stare. “You shouldn’t have done that. I told you to leave her alone.”

Richard huffed a laugh that sounded like a cry. “Nobody will believe you either. It’s my human word against your Deruzian one. And we’re onEarth.”

“You have no word or honor,” Nazyn growled, looming over him. It would be so easy. Just grab him by the neck again. Or just shove him out the window. “You’re lucky I promised Darcy not to harm you. This isherrevenge.”

“And it’s not your word against his,” Darcy said, walking through the door.

Now Richard looked beyond disturbed. His eyes flashed from the real Darcy to the spot where her hologram had been just a few seconds ago. “How?”

“You’ll have to wait until the presentation to see.” Darcy jiggled the small black hologram box in her fingers, a satisfied grin on her lips.

“But–you were there,” Richard went on, not believing. “You lookedreal.”

“Deruzian technology is truly astounding.” Darcy walked right up to Richard, no sign of fear, and took out her phone. “Want to see another nifty trick?”

A video of their encounter played on the phone’s screen. The color drained from Richard’s face as he saw himself threaten Darcy and shoot his gun at Nazyn.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the night we broke up.” She sighed wistfully.

“What do you want?” Richard asked, sounding defeated.

Darcy turned intensely serious. “There’s nothing you can give me. And there’s nothing you can do now.”

With a swipe of her thumb, the video on her phone changed from the recording to a live transmission from the exhibiton area. The crowd watched in shock as the recording of Richard threatening her was played on all the screens there. Then it changed to a live transmission from the room at that moment.

All his misgivings, for the world to see.

“No,” he said, chest caving in as all the air rushed out of his lungs. Nazyn tensed. He looked like a man who had nothing to lose–a dangerous one.

He looked in the corner, at the camera Darcy had hidden behind a potted plant. Nobody would have thought to look there.

With a snarl, Richard lunged at Darcy, instinct taking over.