“It’s pretty universal. Unless you can bring in the wireless technology from Deruzia and somehow make it work on Earth in less than twelve hours…”

“No…” Nazyn said slowly, standing up as well. “But I can bring something else.Somethingthat could solve our issue and nobody would suspect a thing. We can put on a show, too. Since humans are so curious.”

Darcy cocked her head to the side. “I sense a devious plan.”

“Less devious, more efficient.” Nazyn gave her a rueful grin. “Now, tell me if this would work.”

The more Nazyn explained his idea, the more Darcy liked it. No.Lovedit.

It was certainly unexpected.

It was bold.

It was perfect. They would fight fire with fire, and make it look oh-so-innocent.

“Here I was, thinking Deruzians were so upstanding and rule-abiding,” Darcy teased.

“Deruzians are efficient and goal-oriented. We had a problem, now we have a solution,” Nazyn said. “So…what does your human intuition say? Good idea?”

“The best.” Darcy beamed. “Everyone’s going to be watching us. Hell, everyone’s going to be talking about this.”

And maybe forget about the whole Temptress Taylor moniker. This was not the legacy Darcy wanted to leave behind after her first Forum participation, no, sir.

Nazyn’s grin was positively dripping with triumph. “Good. That is, as you say,the point.”

“But–” Darcy licked her lips, her chest bursting with excitement. This would probably make Richard cry. Shereallyloved it. “Can you get all of that here in time?”

“I can send a message to Deruzia now. We areglorified mail-men, after all.”

“With horns, don’t forget.” Darcy ran a finger up one of his horns, all the way up to the tip, and then back down. “Sexy, sexy horns.”

Nazyn smiled ruefully. “Richard is going to curse the day he decided to upset you and start a rivalry with Alien Inc. This I promise.”



“They should have been here already,” Darcy whispered as they stood side by side next to the stage, gazes set firmly on the entrance. Each time the massive double doors opened, she stood up on her tip-toes to see if it was the Alien Inc. delegation.

Even standing beside her, Nazyn felt her body vibrating with anticipation. She placed her hand on her belly every few minutes, which made his mind picture things he had no business thinking about now. Like how absolutely beautiful Darcy would look pregnant with their youngling.

They hadn’t even gone out on an official date, it was too soon to think about procreating. But the Deruzian in him wanted her. All of her. It was hard to deny that craving.

But deny it he did. Today would be difficult and he could already sense he would need to protect Darcy. If not from Richard, who hadn’t yet shown himself in the busy presentation area, then from the humans who were looking strangely at her.

Each time one of them so much as narrowed their eyes her way, Nazyn bared his teeth. They scuttled away quickly after that. Luckily, Darcy had been so preoccupied with Alien Inc.’s arrival that she hadn’t noticed.

The exposition area had devolved into chaos. The round tables from the first evening, when Nazyn had given his speech, were gone. Instead, people ran around carrying boxes and poles and shelves. Each company that attended the Forum had its own booth, nestled between the plants and too many screens, to attract attention andwoo. The Individual Atmospheric Bubble floated right next to the Self-Folding Chair and the Personal Nuclear Generator. Some of the companies got to present their new devices on stage–like Alien Inc.

Nazyn had to go up on that stage again. At least he wouldn't be alone.

“I’m so nervous,” Darcy mumbled. “Where are they?”

“They still have five seconds to go,” Nazyn said. Deruzians were nothing if not punctual.

