“Outside, inside, I don’t care much,” he said so seriously, Darcy smiled. He was picking up more and more of their human ways, but the Deruzian in him still shined through. “We don’t have to decide now, of course. But I understand dating is a prerequisite for an exclusive relationship on Earth. And that is what I want. Zaryn told me I need to be very specific.”

“I’d love to go on a date with you.”

The smile that graced his face was absolutely gorgeous. His entire face lit up, drawing in all the light in the room. “Good. Great. Fantastic.”

He stole a quick peck from her lips; Darcy could feel him smiling throughout it.

“That means we can tell Kiara we are…dating, yes?” he asked, looking as giddy as Darcy felt.

“Yes, that is the technical term.”

“Perfect.” This time, he captured her lips in a long kiss that seared her nerve endings anew. But even this one had to end, sadly. “I could do that all day, but we really do need to come up with a plan for the device.”

We. Just…we.

Darcy didn’t know why she’d ever thought Nazyn could turn out to be like Richard. Apart from the fact that they were both male, smart in their own ways, and her boss at one point or another, there was literally no similarity between them.

Where one was prideful, the other was resourceful.

Where one showed off, the other worked.

Where one played at being a partner, the other fully embraced it.

Her heart beat with the echoes of falling in love. Not yet, though. They barely knew each other–and they had a job to do.

“Okay. We’re two smart people, we can come up withsomething.” She sat upright on the bed, the silky bed sheet covering her. “How can we fix the humidity issue with the device?”

“If murder is out of the question, I’m guessing starting a fire is also frowned upon.”

“Yes. What is it with you and these violent ideas?”

“I’m stressed and Deruzian.” He shrugged. “I’ve also thought about the plants miraculously disappearing, but that would only draw more attention, which Richard could use. I don’t want to give him any help in trying to tear Alien Inc. down. He will strike again.”

“Yeah, he doesn’t know when to give up,” Darcy said with a sneer. The Inquisitor thing was just a warm-up. A revenge on Darcy. But she wasn’t the real target…or was she? “I have an idea of how to deal with that. I actually thought of it right after I broke up with him and I wished I’d done it that same night. But now that we know who we’re up against, we can use it. I don’t think you’re going to like it, though.”

Nazyn narrowed his eyes. “How much am I not going to like it?”

“You’ll probably hate it. But it’s going to be perfectly safe, I swear.” And efficient. If everything went as planned, Richard wouldn’t bother them again.

“Okay,” Nazyn said simply. Much too simply.

Darcy narrowed her eyes. “But…?”

“But if you will be in danger, he will be as well,” he growled. “That is all.”

“I won’t be in danger.” Though, honestly, Richard could go fuck himself. “I promise.”

“A promise made is a promise kept for a Deruzian,” Nazyn said. “And I promise to protect you. At all costs.”

This protective, instinctual side of him should not have turned her on as much as it did. Darcy had always relied on her mind and logic to navigate through life. But, damn, Nazyn made her melt in the most delicious way. He was so…male. And he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her all over again.

“You’re distracting me,” she whispered.

“You’re quite the distraction yourself.” Not breaking eye-contact, he brought the back of her palm to his lips and kissed it. “But you’re right,” he whispered against her skin with a sigh. “We need to focus.”

“Maybe we can wow them with a killer presentation. Humans want to know everything about Deruzia, since none of us has been able to visit so far.”

“Deruzia isn’t safe for humans yet. You are a curious species and some places can be very dangerous.” He frowned, working his jaw. “Is there any other wireless technology on Earth I am not aware of?”