Before she replied, Nazyn buried his face between her legs. He’d been wrong. She didn’t just tastebetter. This was the nectar of the gods he would have to start truly believing in soon, because there was no other explanation for just how perfect Darcy was.

A whisper of a thought, from a conversation he’d had with Zaryn, after he’d met Lily, entered his mind. But as quickly as it sprung up, it vanished, as all of Nazyn’s senses focused on Darcy.

She was amazing, from the way she sucked in her breaths each time his tongue circled around her center, to the way she cast furtive glances his way, always with a hint of a smile that couldn’t decide if it was shy or coy.

Nazyn kept his gaze locked on her, to enjoy every reaction. The way she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes. How her back arched away from the bed.

Her thighs pressed against his ears as she fisted the sheets.

“Do you like it?” he asked, sucking on her heated flesh.

“Yes,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

Not even a natural calamity could stop Nazyn now. Soon enough, his growls joined her moans in a maddening song.

It was exquisite.

Darcy’s body tensed further. She was close, he could feel it on the tip of his tongue.

So he did the only thing that felt natural. He slid one of his long fingers inside her. Nines, she was so wet and tight.

Darcy thrashed on the bed, a whispered plea of “Yes, like that” and “Don’t stop” melting together. As his finger pumped in and out of her, Nazyn savored every single drop of Darcy.

And when he inserted a second finger, she was gone. Her muscles clenched around him as her thighs squeezed his head. A loud moan sucked the breath out of her before she collapsed on top of the bed.

Pure male pride bloomed in his chest. One orgasm down, so many more to go.

She blinked back to reality slowly, looking at him. Nazyn made a show of licking his lips. Then he licked his fingers, savoring her taste and her deepening blush.

In one fluid motion, Nazyn covered her body with his, capturing her lips. Darcy moaned as she tasted herself on his tongue, driving Nazyn even wilder.

“That was amazing,” she whispered, arms coiling around him and tugging him impossibly close. “I didn’t know what I was missing with this whole oral thing.”

Nazyn blinked away his surprise. “You never tried that?”

She shook her head. He knew what that meant. “Is it a taboo on Earth?”

“No, it’s very much encouraged.”

Nazyn almost purred in delight at the idea that she’d experienced something for the first time with him–and he didn’t want to stop here.

He was painfully hard. “Do you still want me?”

“Universe, yes!”

Nazyn kissed her again, his body slowly sinking into hers. As the head of his cock slid inside her, Darcy tensed.

“Does it hurt?” he murmured against her lips. “We can stop at any moment.”

“No, keep going. It feels different. It feels…nice,” she moaned, her muscles clenching deliciously around him.

She was tight, yes, maddeningly so. But she was so wet, Nazyn slid inside her without an issue. Slowly, gently, inch by inch, ridge by ridge.

Once he was fully inside her, he relaxed into her embrace. He peppered small kisses on her neck, letting her adjust to him.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yes.” She tensed her muscles around him and Nayzn’s eyes rolled into the back of his skull. He was a breath away from spreading his wings from all the intense sensations coursing through him. “Keep going.”