“Hi! I’m Kiara, I work in the PR department,” she said, all bubbly, and extended her hand. Hah! So people did shake hands here, it was just a Walter problem. Darcy shook it, grateful to not be the center of Walter’s ire anymore. He turned his narrow eyes to Kiara.

“What can I help you with, Miss Earhart?” he asked with pursed lips.

Kiara rolled her eyes. “Walter, we’ve been working together for a long time. I told you, you can call me Kiara. And I have a ten AM meeting with Nazyn.”

Walter’s eyes bulged. “You do not.”

“I so do,” Kiara said with a laugh and held up a tablet. “I have the documents to prove it and everything.”

“No.No. I handle all of Mr. A'Cryth’s appointments andyouare not scheduled.”

“Wanna bet?”

“Betting is against Alien Inc.’s rules of conduct. And I have the schedule right here and you are not–” Walter walked away, mumbling to himself.

“Hereallyneeds to relax.” Kiara leaned forward, whispering to Darcy, “Don’t worry about him. He’s pompous, but harmless. Well, mostly. I heard he was gunning for your job, but Nazyn told him politely that his skills are better suited as his assistant.”

Ah. Hence the instant dislike he had for Darcy, who got the position of integration specialist. “Thanks for telling me.”

“No worries. He seemed to have it out for you, I heard your little talk all the way back at the entrance. And well done, by the way. I see why they hired you,” Kiara said, making Darcy’s smile grow even wider. “Just follow the rules, try not to pay too much attention to him, and don’t talk too much about Nazyn. I know he’s smoking hot and all, but then you’re stuck listening to Walter talk about Nazyn’s many,manyaccomplishments for like half an hour.”

“I–he’s hot?” Darcy squeaked, all her previous bravado vanishing. Talks of technology, that she could do in her sleep. But gossiping about the boss’ looks…

“Oh, you haven’t met him?” Kiara laughed. “You’re in for a treat. He’s so smart it should be illegal. And about as charming as a Deruzian can be. And a great boss.”

Just as Darcy was about to reply, Walter stomped back toward them, nose almost glued to his tablet.

“As I said,” he announced sternly. “There is no meeting scheduled for–”

“There is.”

Darcy turned to see a mountain of a man approaching. No, not a man. ADeruzian. A mighty Deruzian, with twin long, dark horns that looked ready to pierce the ceiling. He had an angular face, with dark, slanted brows, and icy eyes that seemed to see into Darcy’s soul. They held intelligence in them, yes, but it had a shrewd edge.

He wore a human dark shirt, unbuttoned at the top to reveal the sinewy muscles of his chest. The luxurious fabric made his silver gray skin stand out even more. He also had a tie around his neck, not attached to the collar, as if he was trying to blend in with humans and their attire, but hadn’t quite mastered the disguise.

Darcy gulped. Now she understood why some people compared Deruzians to gargoyles–there was a resemblance there. Of course, some also called them monsters, but Darcy didn’t see that.

No, this being looked like a rockstar. He had long silver hair that fell down his back and what looked like a chain looped through the cartilage of his left elongated ear. And he had this aura around him that demanded attention.

Darcy stared in amazement. She wasn’t the only one. Every single being in the lab was looking at the Deruzian with awe.

Both Walter and Kiara turned silent and still as the Deruzian approached her table. Darcy fidgeted in the tension.

“Hello,” the Deruzian said, eyes locked on her.

“Hi, I’m Darcy Taylor. Pleasure to meet you.” On instinct, she raised her open palm.

Beside them, Walter wheezed a sound of surprise.

The Deruzian looked at her palm for a long time. Darcy began to sweat. Shit, this wasawkward. So much for the shaking hands rule.

Just when she was about to let her hand fall limply back to her side, the Deruzian shook it firmly. His palm was so hot, it sent tingles all through Darcy. A weird sensation coursed through her veins, sweet and sinful at the same time.

She didn’t want to stop touching him.

“Like-wise,” he rumbled, as if he hadn’t spoken that word before.

As fast as it had happened, he let go of her hand and turned to Kiara. “Shall we?”