He flew toward the hotel, making sure to stay close to the tops of the trees. It was late and music still rang out from the event, but he could never be too sure who decided to walk outside.

He swirled around to the back of the building, to avoid the cameras. His Deruzian gaze scanned the area for any human. He couldn’t see beyond the trees to the left, but the entrance and back seemed deserted.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Deruzians were forbidden from revealing their wings to humans, a rule ordained by the elders themselves after their first encounter with humans and their weapons.

Better humans not know what Deruzians could truly do.

But he’d had to act. He’d had to reveal his wings or Darcy would have died.

“I can’t believe I died such a stupid, useless death,” Darcy went on, morose. “What a fucking waste of my brain. I didn’t get to do a lot of shit I wanted to. Never been to the lunar base. Never swam in the ocean. Hell, I never even had an orgasm with someone else. And I can’t believe I’ll never get to do any of those things. Such a scared, little life I had.”

“Darcy, I promise, you are very much not dead.”

“Uhm, hello.” She pointed to his wings, which felt so good to be freed again after so long; he hadn’t stretched them in ages. “You have wings, I’m in your arms, and we’re flying. The only logical conclusion is that I’m in some kind of fucking limbo, awaiting my sentence.”

“Or you’re in shock because you were supposed to die and your brain can’t comprehend why you’re still alive. You might truly be too smart and logical for your own good,” Nazyn said. “You swear a lot when you’re angry, by the way.”

“Oh, great. Limbo Nazyn is sassy, too,” she grumbled. “And he’s somehow even hotter than the real Nazyn. As if that’s even possible.”

If he hadn’t been on a mission, Nazyn would have probably frozen in place. Darcy thought he was…hot? As in…sexually attractive or too warm to the touch?

He circled one of the hotel’s towers and landed on its slippery roof, right above their room. Gripping Darcy’s body tightly to his, he glided down on the roof, displacing a line of snow as he went. His wings retreated once again into his back, the skin resealing itself as it always did.

Darcy’s hold on his neck tightened, as if she finally understood they were fighting against gravity–for real.

With Deruzian grace, he landed on their balcony, hidden behind a dozen or so firs. Not a great view, but at least they had a semblance of privacy.

Darcy hadn’t said anything for a minute or so. She kept looking at him with wide eyes. He gently lowered her from his arms, placing her feet on the floor. She wobbled as she stood, reaching for him again. Nazyn caught her, gently grasping her shoulders.

“It’s the adrenaline running through my system,” she said, voice croaky and gaze unfocused. “But if there’s adrenaline in my body, then I can’t be dead. I wouldn’t feel it.”

“There’s that brilliant brain.” Nazyn ran small, soothing circles down her back.

Her gaze flashed to his. “I’m alive.”

Finally. He was starting to get worried. “Yes, yes you are.”

“I shouldn’t be. It doesn’t make any logical sense.”

“It doesn’t. Yet here you are.”

“Because you can fly.”


“You have–” She leaned closer, as if they were sharing some important secret. “–wings.”

Nazyn knew he shouldn’t laugh, but Darcy was being socu-te, he almost couldn’t resist. “Yes, I am aware.”

“Shit, then why–” She shook her head. “I mean…why didn’t you tell me? I mean not me personally, but the world.”

“Deruzians are forbidden from revealing that.”

“Ah, I see. You really do love your secrets, don’t you?” She inhaled deeply, her ashy face regaining some of its color. “I’m alive.”

“Very much so.”

She stomped her foot on the marble floor of the balcony. When Nazyn raised his brows, she shrugged. “Just checking I wasn’t imagining things.”