Okay, so no Walter. Thank the Nines.

“Then who?” he asked, though a name already sprung up in his mind. He hadn’t been able to forget it since he’d touchedherhand.

Kiara shrugged. “Someone who knows how technology works.”

Nazyn reclined back in his chair. “What about Darcy Taylor?”

Her name on his lips felt strangely natural. He’d just heard it a few minutes ago; it made sense that he wouldn’t have a problem saying it. Right?

“The new girl?” Kiara asked. She seemed surprised.


“Well, she is new,” Kiara said. “But she seems like she knows her stuffandher job is to literally make Deruzian technology more accessible to humans. And she’s nice, I like her.”

Nazyn grinned. “Is that your PR specialist advice?”

“There’s hope for you yet.” Kiara huffed a laugh. “Okay, then, Darcy Taylor it is.”

Nazyn rose, walking toward his office windows. He could barely make Darcy’s outline at her desk, but his hearts thudded all the same. He ignored the sensation. “Ifshe agrees to come.”

“Nazyn, this is the Forum. It’s the biggest tech event in the world. She’d be crazy not to.”



What even was Darcy’s life?

She must have been dreaming. Or maybe one of the robots she tinkered with in her spare time had become autonomous and had hit her over the head, and she was imagining standing here in front of Alien Inc.’s towering building, waiting to leave fortheForum event.

Two days ago, she was shaking in her worn boots that she might get fired.

Today, she was still shaking in the same boots, with nervous anticipation.

She was going to the Forum. It was every scientist and inventor’s dream to get a chance to attend, let alone present a piece of technology there. Well, Darcy wasn’t going to present anything, per se.

Walter had clearly told her, through clenched teeth, that she needed to talk to the executives, developers, and scientists gathered there about how useful and innovative this Deruzian device was. Her job was to hype up the marvels of Alien Inc.’s technology, especially this new, super secret device.

The problem was she hadnoclue what the device did. Or what it looked like.

Or why Nazyn had chosen her to join him. Kiara, who’d given Darcy the news with a bright smile on her face, didn’t know. Walter didn’t know, and he looked furious enough at the idea that Darcy actually believed him.

Nazyn hadn’t spoken another word to her after their introduction either. He’d been cooped up in his office, only the shadow of his horns visible. He came into the office before Darcy and left long after–if he left at all. Darcy was beginning to think he slept there.

She took a deep, centering breath that turned foggy in the cold, and drew her black coat tighter around her frame. Spring was just around the corner, but the winter frost still clung to the air. She’d been standing here for the past twenty minutes, waiting not-so-patiently as the golden clock on the front of the building drew closer to nine AM.

She still didn’t know how they were getting to the Forum. Just that she had to be here at this hour, packed and ready for the opportunity of a lifetime.

The Forum had been a dream of Darcy’s since she’d found out it existed. But The Asshole had said it was “beneath them” to reveal their devices at the same event as all the other companies. Maybe he was right. Everyone thought he was a tech genius and he ran a trillion dollar company, after all–that he’d inherited from his parents.

Just as the grim thoughts were threatening to cloud her mind again, a low hum echoed through the busy street. Darcy turned to see a literal car-sized bullet dashing her way. It was silver and sleek and it hovered gracefully above the pavement as it halted in front of Darcy. No wheels on this vehicle.Wasit a vehicle? It had an arched windshield that perfectly blended into the silvery soft curves, so it might’ve been.

As Darcy stared, the passenger door slid open upwards, revealing a luxurious cream-colored seat and a white dashboard that had a bunch of blue lights flickering over it. The scientist in her squealed in excitement.

This wasn’t human. This was–

The driver’s door opened and Nazynn got out, standing tall and scrumptious in all his seven-plus feet of glorious height. Darcy’s knees wobbled as he leaned his arms on the vehicle’s roof, muscles bunching underneath his black shirt.