Nazyn tilted her chin toward him and leaned down. “I wanted to share this with you.”

Just as their lips drew closer together, a buzz resounded from Nazyn’s pocket.

He sighed.

Darcy giggled as Nazyn took out the small black hologram box.

They wanted to test it in a humid exterior. A difficult-to-reach place. Darcy had just assumed they’d trek a bit up the mountain and use it on a cliff. But no, Nazyn went the extra mile and brought themto the top of a mountain.

“With me and Elias, apparently,” she said as Nazyn flicked the hologram to life and Elias’ figure popped in front of them.

“I’m not too early, am I? I wanted to make sure the call went through,” Elias said, before his gaze landed on Darcy. “Miss Taylor, how nice to see you! I’ve read that article you recommended on space travel and–and–heavens, this is glorious.”

Elias’ eyes glazed over as he took in the surroundings, as enamored with them as Darcy had been.

“I truly am in heaven,” Elias went on. “First I visited an alien planet, now this. This technology is fantastic.”

“Are there any interferences? Flickers?” Nazyn asked.

“No, no, the connection is perfect. I can see everything as clearly as if I were standing right next to you,” Elias murmured, voice choking. “Heavens, I feel like I’m about to cry again. But I have done enough of that in public this past month. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. You both do our species proud. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to find a tissue.”

After a short farewell and promises of having tea later in the week, Elias’ hologram flicked away.

Darcy and Nazyn were truly alone, with nothing but the mountains and the sky around them.

“We fixed the issue. It can work on Earth, even in remote locations,” Nazyn said. Pride shined in his eyes.

Darcy threw her arms around him. “You did it! Congratulations!”

Nazyn spun her around, arms circling her tightly. “No,wedid it. I would have never gotten this far this fast without you.”

Universe, how had Darcyeverthought Nazyn had anything in common with Richard? Yeah, she’d been burned by her first love and it had mangled her view of relationships–and bosses–but apart from their similar status, they were nothing alike.

Nazyn was intelligent and innovative. Hell, he was a literal genius who had opened a portal between planets thousands of light-years apart.

He was kind and attentive and wanted to share his success with her. He didn’t try to hide her contributions, he talked about them to anyone who would listen.

And he made Darcy feel…he made her feel seen. Wanted. Appreciated. Respected.

Everything she had ever wanted.

The way he was looking at her right now, as if she was the only being in this world that mattered to him, stole her breath away.

They stopped spinning and simply stared at each other, basking in the beauty around them and the comfortable silence between them.

The sight was breathtaking, it truly was. But Nazyn was right. Darcy wouldn’t have wanted to experience this with anyone other than him.

“Thank you,” she said.


“For being you,” she went on. “And for being in my life.”

As they kept staring at each other, Nazyn’s chest began to glow a bright, warm golden hue. At first, Darcy had figured the sun rays might have shifted. But the light kept growing. And it didn’t come from the sun.

It came from him.

Hewas glowing.