It was true. Nazyn had parked–if a vehicle didn’t have wheels and only floated, was it still parking?–in the designated place, right before the trail, but it was deserted.

Darcy narrowed her eyes playfully up at him. “You wanted to have me all to yourself?”

“Definitely. But there’s another reason.” Nazyn stepped back and took off his jacket, laying it down on the hood of the silver bullet. “We’ve had enough of an audience for an entire existence.”

Darcy rolled her eyes. “It’s like they don’t have anything better to do.”

As she’d expected, the whole Richard situation had only gotten messier. Authorities were talking about investigations into Archam Tech, how it had managed to merge with so many companies, and just who the hell had approved that? Richard had been stuck in his fortress, which was surrounded by reporters. He had some explaining to do and the big, bad CEO was scared to do that, apparently.

The Inquisitor was still on its Temptress Taylor bullshit. But the rest of the media barely mentioned Darcy, focusing on the Dysons’ shady empire.

But, as Kiara put it, there were some concerning comments popping online about human-Deruzians relationships. Nazyn and Darcy hadn’t been the first–that title went to Zaryn and Lily, but nobody outside Alien Inc. knew about them.

Between the growing vitriol toward Deruzians and the massive party she had to organize, Kiara was stressed. Darcy had promised to help her out with the event. It was the least she could do after that whole mess.

“So what are you planning to do with me now that you have me all to yourself?” Darcy asked coyly as Nazyn rolled up his sleeves. He was so insanely sexy when he did that. But he was insanely sexy all the time.

“Wicked things.” He flashed a fanged grin and Darcy’s insides melted. “But, first, I want to do something I don’t think you got to enjoy the first time around.”

On cue, his wings erupted from his back. Darcy stared in awe. She didn’t exactly get the chance to admire them last time Nazyn had busted them out–you know, when she fell to her death.

They were spectacular. As they unfolded, a gust of air blew across Darcy’s face, imbued with that deep, tempting smell that was so Nazyn. Even with the clouds getting more menacing, his silvery wings still shined.

“Ready to start our date?” He extended his palm toward her and Darcy took it without hesitation.

“I thought our date started with making out in your silver bullet,” she murmured against his skin.

“That was just a taste of what I have planned. Ready?”

“Ye–aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Darcy screamed in delight as Nazyn took flight.

Secure in his arms, she giggled in delight, not hiding her happiness. Her stomach flipped in a delicious way, as Nazyn’s powerful wings took them higher and higher–straight toward the clouds.

“You want to get us wet?” Darcy asked loudly.

“I want to get you wet,” Nazyn murmured and looked down at her. “Do you trust me?”

How could she not? “Yes.”

Nazyn smiled and propelled them forward. Just as the clouds closed in, he wrapped his wings around Darcy, shielding her. A crackling sound beat against his wings for a brief moment, before it got so very quiet. And warm.

Nazyn unfurled his wings again and Darcy couldn’t believe her eyes.

They flew above the clouds, in a haze of sunlight and glistening mountain peaks. Everything was so still and peaceful, like a dream.

Darcy was so stunned to witness this, she remained quiet until Nazyn carefully landed in a grassy clearing on top of a mountain, right on the edge. Darcy felt on top of the world. She kind of was, wasn’t she?

“This is…spectacular,” she whispered. A sea of clouds spread before her, with the mountain tops spearing through, like islands. Everything was bathed in a warm light, making Nazyn glow even more.

“I’m glad. I knew I wanted to come here the moment we began studying Earth’s weather patterns,” he said. “But I only wanted to come here with you.”

“That’s–” So romantic her heart might just burst. “Really sweet.”

Sweet? It was fantastic. Amazing. Incredible.

But Darcy and Nazyn hadn’t really had the relationship talk yet. Sure, they kissed and gave each other longing looks and wanted to be around each other always, but she still didn’t know what they were.

They were great together, that much was obvious. But were theytogethertogether? He had said he wanted to be exclusive. Were they?