As laughter echoed in the room, Elias turned around, awed at his surroundings. He had such a curious, childish delight, it was hard not to smile alongside him.

“My dear boy,” Elias said to Nazyn, his voice shaking with emotion. “I thank you for fulfilling an old man’s dream. I don’t know if I will live until humans can officially visit Deruzia. But you have given me the opportunity to see a real alien world with your marvelous technology. I will be forever grateful.”

The audience erupted in cheers. The sound was so intense, Darcy covered her ears.

Her eyes met Nazyn’s once more, mirroring his wide smile. They’d done it.

The technology was a success.

They were safe.

The Forum had been a triumph, beyond Darcy’s wildest dreams.

But a new challenge awaited them once they left the Forum–their first date.



The air was fresh and crisp enough that her city-girl nose hurt. Even so, Darcy took a deep breath as she stepped out of Nazyn’s silver bullet, closing her eyes to enjoy the pine scent.

The smell of mountains and freedom.

She loved it.

It was just a shame that spring had decided to announce its arrival with a vengeance. The clouds formed a furious blanket over the peaks, a dewy mist floating between them.

“Thank you for suggesting we come here,” she said as Nazyn came behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She’d told him she loved mountains and he’d delivered.

Two weeks had already passed since the Forum. Two weeks of chaos, trying to dodge interviews and failing, and everyone and their great-aunt wanting to know more about the Deruzian holograms coming to Earth next year.

It. was. Amazing.

Darcy could geek out to her heart’s content and people actually wanted to listen to her? Fantastic.

There had also been many late nights in the lab spent with Nazyn trying to fix the whole hologram-humidity issue. Which they had, thank you very much, and today was the final test.

And their first date–finally.

Working late nights meant a lot of kissing, which Darcy loved, but they couldn’t be all romantic with Walter stomping right outside Nazyn’s door. And they had a job to do. Which got more complicated once Darcy suggested they study weather patterns and use those models in their redesign.

But now that they’d found a solution, it was time to truly enjoy each other’s company and be proud of their achievement. All at the same time.

“I’m glad you like it.” Nazyn nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck, breathing in deeply. He sent shivers through Darcy. “I was worried you might want something different.”

“Like what?”

“Zaryn kept saying something about a restaurant? But I’ve brought food.” He dangled a backpack in one arm and something clinked inside it. “And a lot of it.”

“You’re so cute.” Darcy pecked him on the lips. “Yeah, a lot of people go for the restaurant angle, which is also nice, but this is more…us, you know? It’s sweet.”

So sweet, her heart would not stop beating rapidly.

“I’m glad you enjoy it,” he said, rubbing his forehead against hers. They always did this. Always touching each other in these small ways that made Darcy feel seen and appreciated.

“Too bad the weather isn’t on our side today.” She looked up. Was it possible that the clouds looked angrier?

“Isn’t it?” A sly smile took shape on Nazyn gorgeous face. Universe, he was the most beautiful specimen alive. “I see nobody around.”