Tobias grumbled, but said nothing else.

“I like this human. The spectacled one,” Zaryn announced, then louder, said, “Sir, are you romantically involved with anyone?”

“You cannot go around asking people if they’re single, Zaryn,” Alissia chastised.

“Fine. But he’d be perfect for Oona,” he said. “She needs a companion.”

The Deruzians acknowledged with grunts. Oona could definitely benefit from having someone take up most of her attention.

“Who’s Oona?” Darcy whispered to Nazyn.

“Zaryn’s aunt and one of the most influential elders on Deruzia. She is…special.” Nazyn had a weird respect for Oona's no-nonsense attitude toward existence. But he wasn’t exactly thrilled with all the decisions she’d made when he was a youngling. “But I do think she would like Elias.”

“What is this?” an infuriated voice pierced the chaos around them. Nazyn turned just in time to see Richard stalking toward them.

He wasn’t alone.

Two huge guards flanked him on each side. They were among the biggest humans Nazyn had ever seen, but they were still a head shorter than the Deruzians–not counting the horns.

The five of them halted in the middle of the Deruzian group. Richard was the shortest male there, but that didn’t stop him from tilting his chin all the way up. On instinct, Nazyn pushed his shoulder forward, so that he could shield Darcy, a rumble in his chest.

“It’s the set-up for our presentation,” Darcy said, sounding bolder. Good. She was a million times more of a valuable being than Richard could ever hope to be.

“Is this The Asshole?” Deryg asked in a pretend whisper that was neither soft nor polite.

Darcy nodded. Deryg growled at Richard for good measure. He was sometimes brash, but he was loyal down to his twin hearts.

“I have the presentation slot right after you,” Richard went on, trying to seem unbothered and failing. Nazyn noticed the way the ligaments in his neck had tensed as he looked at him. “The stage needs to be completely cleared before I step on it.”

“I’ve checked the rules myself,” Alissia said in that clear-cut way humans sometimes used, that made the vowels sound clipped. “Two minutes to set up, two minutes to clear the stage and a one minute interlude before your slot. I’ve already personally cleared it with the organizers and have given my word we will be done by the time you present.”

“No offense, but I don’t know you,” Richard said. “Your word means nothing to me.”

Alissia raised her brows. “Why would I be offended? I don’t know you either and I don’t trust you.”

“And don’t worry.” Deryg dashed from his spot next to Nazyn. He was in front of Richard before the guards around him even noticed. He grinned in Richard’s face. Just as the guards closed in, raced right back next to Nazyn. He was so quick, Darcy’s hair blew in the gust of wind he’d created. The guards’ meaty hands met nothing but air, as they stared in confusion. One of them gave Deryg a horrified look. “We can be very fast when we need to.”

Richard’s jaw twitched. “I wasn’t informed of this.”

“Why would you be?” Nazyn rumbled. “You’re not part of the organization committee.”

Richard narrowed his eyes at Nazyn. “No matter. May the best device win.”

He plastered a grin on his face, eyes lingering menacingly on Darcy. At Nazyn’s growl, he finally turned and walked away.

“Kiara also asked me to remind you the no-killing rule still stands,” Deryg said to Nazyn. “Now I understand why.”

Next to Nazyn, Darcy took a deep breath. “Only a few moments away.”

They’d gone over the plan five times, and Nazyn still wasn’t totally convinced it would work. Yes, it had a ninety-seven percent chance of success, but that three percent had kept him from sleeping last night. Darcy had also kept him up, but that had been enjoyable. The tossing and worrying, not so much.

“Everything will go according to plan,” he said, whether to convince himself or Darcy, he didn’t know.

“I’m going to go change and then join you,” she said. “Have to look great for the big reveal.”

“You always look great,” Nazyn whispered low enough so that only she could hear. With so many eyes on them, he didn’t risk starting another debacle like the one at the press conference. But he wanted to tug her into his embrace and never let her go.

“Thanks.” She beamed up at him. “I’ll be right back.”