
The human should be thanking Nazyn for not killing him on the spot.


He’d frightened her.

Nazyn didn’t know how he’d felt it, but he had. One second he was in the breakfast lounge, listening to Elias lament some more about his loss of appetite and wondering why in the Nines Darcy hadn’t come to eat yet, when a deep terror had pierced him.

He’d sniffed the eggs. No traces of poison or mind-altering substances.

He’d looked around. No menace he could detect, though some of the reporters were starting to look at him with a concerning glint in their eyes.

Then why were his hearts pounding so rapidly?

He’d quickly realized the fear wasn’t his. After that, he hadn’t stood around to consider the implications.

The Deruzian instincts took over and he flashed out of the lounge, heading straight for the pool area, guided by the very essence ofher.

The moment he saw Richard gripping Darcy’s arm, towering over her with his teeth bared, he simply reacted.

He was threatening Darcy. Nazyn was going to make him regret it.

Simple. Logical.

The only question was how much should Nazyn make him suffer.

The rest of the world melted away in a red haze as Nazyn focused all his base instincts on Richard. He felt the rush of blood pumping in his neck. He could almost taste the fear in the few breaths he managed to get in.

Violent impulses raged through Nazyn. He heard the call of revenge, getting louder and louder.

“Nazyn,” a tender voice broke through the madness.

A soft touch against his shoulder.

Warmth enveloping him.

Nazyn snapped back to reality. Darcy stood next to him, a hand against his shoulder.

She looked frightened, her eyebrows slanted the wrong way, a deep crease between them. Nazyn didn’t let go of Richard, though he eased his grip. The man began sputtering as Nazyn relaxed, pulling his fangs back.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he whispered to Darcy.

“You didn’t.” Her gaze flinched toward Richard. “But don’t harm him.”

“He deserves it,” Nayzn hissed at Richard, who only flapped his lips again, no coherent words coming out. He might have been trying to say something about his lawyers.

“Perhaps. But why taint your memory with his useless life?” Darcy drew closer to Nazyn. “Let him live in his wretchedness.”

Nazyn looked back at Richard, who’d begun to flail in his grip. It was so tempting. A mere squeeze for Nazyn.

Darcy had a point, though. Why live with the notion that he’d taken a life? She wasn’t in danger anymore and Richard didn’t deserve it.

“You’re right,” Nazyn said. “The elders wouldn’t want that. And I wouldn’t hear the end of it from Yakirian.”

“Plus, you’d be thrown in human jail,” she said.

Nazyn frowned. “Why? He was a danger to you, you could not defend yourself physically against him. He is stronger. In muscle, if not in mind.”