As the two of them devolved into a discussion about bowel movements, Nazyn’s mind flitted from one theory to another.

So Richard had insisted on the decor, the first time he haddeignedto come here. The same decor which might or might not hinder Alien Inc.’s technology.

It could have been a coincidence. After all, how could Archam Tech know what Alien Inc. had planned?

But Nazyn didn’t believe in coincidences.

He did believe in sabotage–and that Richard Dyson might be more dangerous than he thought.



Richard kept prowling on the edge of the pool, as Darcy shivered in the water, as far away from him as possible.

What in the world was he doinghere? Alone with her?

He still grinned carelessly, like that first day they’d met at university.

But now she could see the edges around his smile. The darkness in his gaze, analyzing for weaknesses with every breath. She remained silent.


He stood between Darcy and the exit, menacing in his black suit.

“Come now, don’t look so shocked. I only came to say hello,” he said. His voice echoed in the bareness around them, thumping against her chest.

Hearing him again was so much worse than the voice that slithered in her mind. Because her thoughts remembered him, therealhim. The face he’d finally revealed the night they broke up.

Now he had his mask on, the one who had fooled Darcy and so many countless others. That was more frightening than reality.

“Mission accomplished,” she said, hoping her teeth didn’t chatter. It was hard to keep swimming in place from the shivers wracking her frame. “Now you can leave.”

“No hello back?”

Darcy remained silent.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets. Darcy now knew it was his tell. He always did this whenever he wanted something from someone. Without the other person knowing he had an ulterior motive. Where was the fun in that?

He didn’t take his eyes off her head bobbing in the water. He was so close to the edge. He looked like he was stalking her, ready to pounce at any moment. Darcy felt exposed. Vulnerable.

She flinched with each one of his steps, but she kept her face tensed in a scowl.

She didn’t take her eyes off him either, as she began to swim toward the ladder closest to the exit. Richard changed his pace, walking in that same direction.

Darcy stopped.

The message was clear.

He had something to say and he wanted a captive audience.

“What have you been up to?” he asked, playing at friendliness. “It’s been so long since we’ve talked.”

“You already know,” was her icy reply. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

“I’m surprised to see you here, actually. Didn’t notice you until your boss’ grand speech last night,” he said again. “Look at you, a representative for Alien Inc. Impressive.”

You’re nothing without me.Darcy heard the ghost of his roar as plainly as she’d heard it that night.