Well, he hadn’t left. Darcy had.

Best damn decision of her life.

So why was she making such stupid choices now?

Darcy swam all the way to the edge of the pool, toward the huge glass window she’d seen on her first day at the Forum.

She looked out at the snowy view, her gaze snagging on the bridge in the distance. Her heart dropped somewhere near the turquoise bottom of this luxurious pool.

Last night, she’d almost died. If Nazyn hadn’t been there, her body would have ended up in the bottom of that ravine. The bridge would have been filled with reporters by now, filming her mangled corpse.

Nazyn had saved her.

He. Had. Saved. Her.

And how had she acted afterwards? First, because of the shock, she’d argued with him that she was dead. Universe, had she really said that thing about the orgasm?

Yes, yes, she had.

Then what did she do with her second chance at life? At actuallyliving?

She’d run away from Nazyn’s arms, that’s what.

“What’s wrong with you?” she whispered to her own reflection in the window. She looked like she had actually died. Puffy cheeks, red eyes, chapped lips.

She shook her head. She had to fix things.

She needed to talk to Nazyn and explain…what?

I think you’re just about the coolest being I’ve ever met and I want to climb you like a tree and delve into your deepest thoughts, but I’m petrified you’re going to ruin my life, just likehedid?

Great, that didn’t sound deranged at all.

Nazyn didn’t seem like a being who’d do that. No red flags. He had so many green flags, he was practically a tree.

But Darcy still feared.

She still worried.

She needed to go down and at least try to eat some breakfast, even though her stomach was in knots. They had that big press conference today and she hadn’t schmoozed enough with the executives that had been watching Nazyn like bloodthirsty hawks. She could practically see the dollar signs in their eyes.

Darcy leaned back and tensed her legs, pushing herself against the glass. The movement propelled her and she floated on her back, arms moving in a lazy motion. The water covered her ears, and all she could hear were the sounds of her heart trying to beat itself out of her chest and the soft vibrations in the pool. There was nobody else here. Not in the water and not in the heated room.

Darcy closed her eyes, trying to enjoy this moment.

In the water, she was weightless. She was graceful. She was free.

As she estimated she’d reach the other end of the pool, Darcy opened her eyes.

A shadow loomed over her.


Darcy had never moved so fast in her life. She went from floating on her back, to dashing to the middle of the pool, as if mere water could somehow protect her. Pure terror pumped through her veins as she looked back over her shoulder.


The Asshole.