But now he had a duty to fulfill. He was Alien Inc.’s representative. Nines, he wasDeruzia’srepresentative here.

Keeping his steps short and controlled so he walked at the same pace as Elias, Nazyn headed for the stage. It was surrounded by a curious little trench that had purple lights flashing inside it.

Elias had a bit of trouble walking up the steps. When his body tilted too much to the right, Nazyn acted on instinct. He grabbed the man’s elbow and steadied him.

“My boy, thank you for saving me from an entire evening of jokes from the other octogenarians in the room,” Elias whispered, patting Nazyn on the hand, but not moving away. Together, they stood in the center of the stage, lights turning toward them.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have lived a long, eventful life,” Elias began, smiling at the crowd sitting at the tables like he meant it. “Some of it was made more eventful by the scientific rivalries I had with some of you. I remember when Tobias tried to poison my coffee back at uni so he’d get the lunar internship. Tobias, we’re now friends, but you’re still a knob.”

A howl of laughter erupted from one corner of the room, followed by a sneeze and, “Still better than you at chess, you wanker.”

Nazyn watched the scene unfold with nothing but the utmost confusion. Even Darcy, who was half-hidden behind the table ornament, was fighting a smile. They acted as if insults were compliments. Another marvelous human custom Nazyn wanted to understand.

Later. He would think about that later. When he didn’t feel like the gazes aimed at him were trying to pierce his skin. His place was in the laboratory, not standing on a stage. He’d disliked crowds since he’d been a youngling–back then, more Deruzians meant more angry stares and hurled insults about his traitorous dynasty.

But not now. The beings around him smiled, waiting for his next words.

He could do this.

“And through all these wondrous events I never thought possible during my lifetime–living on the Moon for a full year, visiting Mars, convincing my three-year-old grandson to eat all his peas–here I am, faced with another unbelievable joy I am honored to witness before I leave this world,” Elias said with another chuckle and turned to Nazyn, his ancient, wise eyes sparkling. “I have had the pleasure of not only meeting an alien, but one that has used his brilliant mind to make both his world and ours better. My boy, I salute you. And I cannot wait to see what you gift the Universe next.”

In raucous applause, Elias bowed toward Nazyn. Surprised, he returned the gesture. On Deruzia, elders ruled, and those who had lived their lives in service of others, like Elias, deserved nothing but the utmost respect.

“The honor is truly mine, sir,” Nazyn said as the audience quieted down, an expectant tension in the air.

Nazyn liked Elias; he seemed to have a good heart beating in his chest. Nazyn only wished he would feel at ease in front of a public like the old man obviously did. Because right now, he wanted to crawl out of his skin. Between his shoulder blades, his back ached for release.

But that wasn’t possible. Not while humans could see him.

And definitely not now when he had human eyesandcameras on him.

“First of all, on behalf of Alien Inc. and Deruzia, I want to thank Earth for its warm welcome. From the moment the portal was opened, a partnership bloomed between our worlds and I am very thankful for it,” he said, the speech falling seamlessly from his lips, even as his Deruzian mind rebelled at the words. He wouldn’t have opened the portal to Earth if he’d thought humans could invade Deruzia, obviously they would be welcomed and cooperate. But humans liked saying and hearing obvious things, so he obliged. “With your help and support, we hope we can continue our association for eons to come.”

Just then, he looked at Darcy again. She had leaned to the side, to watch him unimpeded by the ornament. But there was still a furrow between her brows and a tension to her lips.

“As the humans say,strengthin numbers,” Nazyn went on, feeling the outline of the written speech pressing against his chest. It was comforting, though he knew all the words. “And we can all be more powerful together, the more our worlds entwine. With that in mind, Deruzia has decided the time has come to exchange technology as well, not just resources.”

Another round of applause began. The thunder of clapping was so sudden, Nazyn had to pause before he went on. Hmm. So they liked it. Deruzia would be pleased.

“On Sunday, we will reveal the first such device, which will help our planets cooperate and discuss more efficiently and easier. And while I cannot reveal all the details at this moment, I want to take a moment to personally thank someone who has helped me.” Nazyn’s fangs descended again. He licked his lips, gaze focusing on Darcy and not letting go. Thankfully, she held his gaze.

Nazyn gulped. The pause was getting too long. Someone in the audience coughed. But he hadn’t rehearsed this. Hadn’t even had time to write the words down before he was accosted by Richard and the others.

So he simply let his hearts speak. “Darcy Taylor, our new technology integration specialist. Though she is a new addition to Alien Inc., she has helped our cause more than I could have imagined. In such a short time, too. I am honored to work alongside her. She is destined for greatness and I am happy she has shared some of it with me and Alien Inc.”

Her gaze, which had been so guarded and cautious only seconds ago, instantly turned vulnerable. She parted her lips, surprise blooming on her face.

Some of the lights which had been heating up Nazyn’s face swiveled around and landed on her. Darcy smiled awkwardly, her shoulders hunching a bit, as she waved at the people applauding around her.

As fast as the lights found her, they left her alone to torment Nazyn some more with their intensity. At least it was warm.

But the smile remained on Darcy’s face as she watched Nazyn go through the rest of his speech. He didn’t mess up once. Kiara would have been proud. Nines,hewas proud. Perhaps leaving his laboratory on occasion–as rare as possible, preferably–wasn’t such a bad thing.

“And I hope to see you all on Sunday for our big reveal,” Nazyn finished. He was even grinning as the applause picked up again and followed him as he took his seat next to Darcy, who was clapping the loudest among them.

As the next presenter walked up on stage and snagged the public’s attention, a stillness settled between him and Darcy once more. But this wasn’t the comfortable silence they’d had on the way to the Forum. The air was brimming with tension and unanswered questions.

“Congratulations, you were great up there,” she said before he could break the silence. “And I’m sorry.”