When I let my guard down is when shit goes to hell in a handbasket. Either my stalker or my mental health rears its ugly head and sends me into a tailspin. But that’s why I’m not letting my guard down.
Since that night a week ago with my guys after my fight, things have been going really well with us. Wilder has taken one of the spare rooms at Griffin’s, though he usually joins us in Griffin’s bed every night. He and Soren are fucking like bunnies, which has led to a lot of group sex around the house because Griffin and I keep walking in on them. While I’ve seen some glances shared between Wilder and Griffin, neither one of them seems to be trying to take it further.
I’m not going to lie. The idea of all three of my men being with one another and me is really hot. I like watching Griffin and Soren together, but there’s something so beautiful when Wilder and Soren are together. Honestly, it’s all hot, and I’ve gotten myself off more than a few times just by watching. But they’ve all done the same thing to me and one of the guys, so fair is fair. Honestly, I think they’re trying to distract me with sex as if they can feel my rising anxiety.
But what do they expect when my stalker seems to be escalating?
He completely trashed No Holds Barred the night after my fight. I don’t know where he got the blood, but he painted a lovely message on the wall.
You might be a whore, but you’re still mine. There will be consequences if you continue to fuck them.
Then there was the day I walked out of Griffin’s house to find my SUV trashed. Detective Santiago has a patrol car stationed at the house and the gym around the clock, and there’s almost always someone following us if we go anywhere. Not that we’ve gone much of anywhere—usually we only leave to get food as a group, or when I go to meet Cook at my parents’ house for our runs. None of the guys like that I won’t let one of them come with me, but this is time for me and Cook. He’s the closest thing I have to an uncle, and since I’m not living at my parents’ place any longer, I won’t let them interrupt what little time I have with Cook.
Luckily, it shouldn’t take too much longer before the gym is finished. It should just be another couple of days, and then we can get back to our workouts. I can’t wait. As much fun as it’s been being with my guys twenty-four-seven, sometimes I need a break. Plus, my vagina is tired. I’m not sure how much more non-stop sex I can handle.
Sitting in the little book nook Griffin set up for me, I draw my legs up to my chest and lift my book once more. I’ve been trying to read for the last hour and failing every time.
I just can’t turn my brain off.
Something is telling me that my stalker is planning their next move, and it’s going to be a big one. Time is running out, and we still have no idea who it is. I just want to live my life. I don’t understand why they won’t let me.
“Freya, you’ve been staring at that same page for almost an hour.”
I startle at Soren’s voice, lifting my head to find him staring down at me with a sad smile. “I’m distracted.”
“Obviously. Come on. I let Griffin pick out a movie and made some popcorn. We’re going to watch some bad 80s movie and forget about all of this for a bit, yeah?”
I set my book down, making sure my bookmark is in place. “I like the sound of that.”
He grins, leaning down to scoop me into his arms straight from the nest I’ve built. “I knew you would. I’m calling cuddle privileges.”
I just laugh as he carries me to the family room. I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for these men in my life. I thank everything good that I get to call them mine.
I just hope we can survive what’s coming.
Chapter Forty-one
Thesoundofmycell phone breaks me from staring at my computer screen. It’s still early—only eight in the morning—but I hadn’t been able to go back to sleep after Freya slipped out of the house to meet Cook for their daily run so I headed to the gym to get caught up on some of the administrative work that I hate. I really need to hire someone to do this for me. I always put it off until the absolute last moment, and then I have to spend an entire day getting things done. It’s the only thing I hate about running the gym. All the damn paperwork is exhausting.
“Griff. Is Freya with you?” Cook’s voice coming through the line surprises me, and his words make me frown.
“Of course not. She’s supposed to be with you.”
Cook curses. “She never showed up. I’ve been trying to call her for the last hour. I even went to your house to see if she overslept. Soren said she left as usual, and that you left around the same time. I was hoping that meant she went somewhere with you, and you just forgot to tell me.”
I’m already pushing up from my desk. “No. I watched her leave, heading toward her parents’ place. Where are you?”
“I’m still at your house.”
“Good. Stay there. Call her mom and have her track her phone and SUV if need be.” I grab my keys, running out the door so quickly that I almost forget to lock up the gym. “Tell Soren to call Detective Santiago. He’s the one who’s been assigned to her stalker’s case. One of you needs to call Wilder and tell him to meet us. I’m on my way. I’ll be there as quickly as I can.”
Without waiting for a response, I hang up the call. I’m already dialing Freya’s number as I throw myself into my truck. “Come on, little one. Pick up your phone.”
When the call clicks over to her voicemail, I slam my hands on the steering wheel. I start the truck and pull out, grateful that most of the traffic is going in the other direction. As I speed toward my house, I dial her number over and over again, but to no avail.