I throw on the first clean clothes I find and toss back some painkillers before thundering down the stairs where my mom stops me.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going out to breakfast with some friends,” I tell her with a frown. “Why? Did you need something?”
She shakes her head. “Are you sure that’s a good idea with the way your stalker is escalating?”
I give her a soft smile. “Mom, I love you, but I’m not letting some creeper keep me from living my life. I’m not going to be alone, and don’t forget, I know how to fight. I can take care of myself. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I’m your mother. I’m always going to worry about you.” She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “But you’re right. You shouldn’t let them disrupt your life. Enjoy your breakfast.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I wave at her, darting for the door. I’m barely down the front steps before Soren is pulling me into his arms and carrying me to the truck.
I giggle, burying my head in his neck. “Morning, Sor.”
“Morning, sunshine.” The passenger’s side door is still open, so he places me on the seat. “Move your ass over. You’re riding between me and Griff this morning.”
I do as he says, glancing in the backseat and realizing that Wilder isn’t with them.
Griff chuckles, leaning over to press a quick kiss to my lips. “He wanted to take his bike. He’s already at the diner waiting for us.”
“Oh, good.” I do up my seatbelt, grabbing each of their hands to hold as Soren pulls out of my driveway. “I wonder if I’ll ever stop worrying that he’s run again.”
Soren growls. “Probably not until he proves to you that heisn’tgoing to run. He’s such an idiot.”
“He is,” I agree. “But I love him, so what can I do?”
“You love him?” I turn to find Griffin watching me with raised eyebrows, and it takes me a moment to process what I just admitted.
My face flushes, and I attempt to pull my hands from their grasps so I can bury my face in them, but they both refuse to release their hold. Realizing it’s futile to keep fighting them, I stare out the windshield. “I’m not talking about this.”
“But you’re our girlfriend,” Soren says with a laugh. “If you love him, does that mean you love us too?”
“Leave me alone.”
The truck comes to a sudden stop, and I’m jerked slightly forward. Then Griffin’s hands are on my face as he turns my head to look at him. “I love you, Freya. It’s okay if you’re not there with us yet, but I’ve been holding that in for too long. And no one, not even Soren, will pester you into admitting how you feel.”
I melt into his touch, smiling. “You love me?”
“That’s what I just said.”
“That’s good cause I love you too.”
The look on his face also makes me melt just before he kisses me. It’s over much too soon, but I’m okay with that, as I turn to Soren. “I also love you. How could I not?”
“Thank fuck. I was about to die from jealousy. I love you too, sunshine.” Soren grins before pulling me in for a kiss that lasts a whole lot longer than the one with Griffin did.
By the time we break apart, I realize we’ve been sitting in the diner parking lot this entire time.
“I guess we should head inside, since Wilder is waiting for us.”
Griffin chuckles, but both he and Soren exit the truck before Soren pulls me out his door, making sure my body slides down his until my feet are on the ground.
“Soren, behave. We need to feed our woman.”
Soren sighs like he’s being put out, but he kisses the tip of my nose and grabs my hand before leading me around the truck, where Griffin grabs my free hand. The three of us walk up to the diner hand in hand, and I love it.
We have to separate to go into the diner, and as soon as I see Wilder, I’m practically running toward him. He stands, sweeping me into his arms as soon as I reach him.