I can’t believe my stalker is threatening Griffin. Is he getting ready to tell me that this is too much? That he can’t do this if his life is being threatened? I can’t even blame him for that. Who wants to be in a relationship with someone with a stalker? With someone who’s as broken as I am?
And what if they threaten Wilder or Soren next? What if it becomes more than a threat? I can’t let them be hurt because of me. That’s not fair to them. Maybe I should just stop seeing them.
“You can stop that right now, little one,” Griffin grinds out. My head snaps up to meet his gaze in surprise. “Don’t look so shocked. I know that look in your eyes. Don’t get yourself worked up. You’ve been doing so well, and I don’t want this to cause a setback. I’m telling you—all of you—about this, so we’re aware. It doesn’t mean I want to stop seeing you. In fact, it does the exact opposite. It makes me want to claim you more publically as a fuck you to this fucker. I don’t know who they are, but you’re not theirs. You’re ours, and it’s time that we make that known. Instead of hanging out at one of our houses, I think the three of us should take you on a very public date together.”
“I’m sorry... What?” All I can do is stare at him for a moment, completely baffled by his words.
“We want to take you on a date—together—publically.” Soren runs a hand along my back as I turn to Wilder.
“You agreed to this?”
He shrugs. “He wouldn’t have said all three of us if I hadn’t.”
Which just makes me roll my eyes. Grant me the mercy to not strangle him.
I run a hand over my face, mind racing in a million different directions. Of course I want to go on a date with the three of them, but is it worth pissing off whoever my stalker is? And who could it be, anyway? It’s not like anyone has ever hated me or anything.
But they wouldn’t hate me, would they? Based on the notes they’ve been leaving, they want to build me up. They want me for themselves, hence threatening Griffin. I’m certain it’s none of the men I’ve dated in the past. So who could it be?
“Are you planning on giving us an answer today, or were you just planning to get lost in your thoughts?” Soren teases, pulling me from my thoughts.
I shoot them a sheepish grin. “Sorry. There’s just a lot going on up there right now. I’d love to go out with all three of you.”
“Good.” A smile slowly makes its way across Griffin’s lips. “I’m proud of you, little one.”
“Proud of me? Why?”
“For not letting your stalker define your actions. Think of how you would’ve reacted just a few months ago versus right now. You’ve come so far.”
And I really have. I still have a long way to go, but it feels really good to have someone besides myself or Dr. Matherson acknowledge the growth.
Trying to work through four people’s schedules turns out to be difficult, but we finally decide that our first public group date will be the following Saturday. It’s more than a week away, but I know it’ll totally be worth the wait.
Chapter Thirty
Someoneknocksonmydoor, startling me. “Come in,” I call out, never looking away from the clothes in my closet. I’m supposed to be getting ready for my date with the guys, but I can’t figure out what the hell to wear.
“Freya, you have another package, honey.” Turning around, I see my mom holding up a box. “I didn’t open it this time.”
I laugh because for a while there she was opening up all of my packages. I’m not sure what she was afraid I was ordering, but I understand she needed to know I was safe. Even if it was a complete invasion of privacy. I almost ordered one of the monster dildos from this awesome website I found just so I could see her reaction, but decided against it.
“I appreciate it, Mom, but you can go ahead and open it. I didn’t order anything, so I’m not sure what it could be.”
Mom sits on my bed and tears into it as I go back to considering my wardrobe. I know we’re going out to dinner, but they wouldn’t tell me what they have planned for after. It’s kind of sweet that they want to surprise me, but it also means I have no idea what I should wear.
“Oh, Freya,” Mom breathes, and I turn back to find her pulling out a gorgeous dress. A note swirls out and flutters to the bed.
Stepping out of my closet, I pick up the note and read it with a smile.
I saw this and thought of you. I know it’ll look beautiful on you. I can’t wait to see you in it.
“What does it say?” Mom asks, leaning over to try to read it, but I shove it in my pocket.
“None of your business.”
Mom wrinkles her nose but nods. “Does that mean you know who it’s from this time?”