What is Freya doing in the middle of nowhere?
No. I can’t allow myself to be dragged down into the deep pool of what could be happening. All that matters is finding her.
I push my bike as fast as I can without risking my life. If a cop tries to stop me, they’ll have to chase me all the way to the end of this map. At least, then I’ll know the cops are there.
It takes me twenty nerve-wracking minutes to make my way to the coordinates. I sigh in relief when I see Freya’s Land Rover. I don’t even bother putting down the kickstand when I come to a stop, letting my precious baby hit the ground. It means nothing in comparison to Freya.
Hurrying to the driver’s side, I yank it open to find the damn thing is empty.
“No. Fuck.” I shake my head as I slam the door shut. Now what?
I look up and down the road, seeing a bridge further down. My heart is thudding in my chest as I start running. My bike would get me there faster, but starting it would take too long.
Dread fills me as I near it, not seeing her. Even from here, I can hear the rushing waters of the river.
She couldn’t have, right? She wouldn’t have.
Fuck, I hope not.
My feet hit the bridge, my head on a swivel as I look for any sign of Freya.
Then I see it. A hand clinging to the railing further down, an arm flailing as it tries to reach up.
I rush over, screaming out as I see the hand lose its grip. Lunging forward, I practically throw myself over the railing.
I almost sob with relief when my hand wraps around hers. When her eyes blink open, they’re tear-filled as she stares up at me.
“Thank you.” I see her lips move but can’t hear the whispered words as they float away on the wind as her body goes limp.
We both almost end up going over before I right myself, not expecting the added weight of her falling unconscious. I begin to haul her up and over the railing, cursing as I do so. I’m so afraid that I’ll lose my hold on her and she’ll go tumbling to her death.
I collapse to the ground with her in my arms, my body shaking with sobs as I cry over what could’ve just happened. What my last words to her would’ve been. She could’ve died out here all alone. I could’ve lost her for good.
I don’t know how long we sit there while I try to get my emotions under control, but eventually, Freya wakes. She struggles against my hold initially, but when I loosen my grip enough so she can glance up at me, she stops.
“You saved me,” she says, brushing a hand over my jaw.
“What were you doing, Freya? Were you...” I can’t even say it out loud.
She shakes her head. “No. I mean, not really. I...”
Freya looks around us before meeting my eyes once more. “I don’t want to have this conversation out here.”
“I’ll take you home.”
“No,” her tone is sharp. “I don’t want to go home. I don’t want Mom to see me like this. I need some time before I go home.”
“Fine, but you’re calling her and telling her that. I’m sure as hell not doing it.” I push to my feet with her still in my arms. “You can call her from your SUV.”
She hums, leaning her head on my chest. “Is it nearby?”
“You don’t know where you parked?”
She shakes her head again. “I don’t even know how I got here.”
“That’s okay. I know where your SUV is.”
I carry her back to the SUV, her head lying on my chest with her eyes closed. Once there, I open the passenger door and set her on the seat before belting her in. “I’ll be right back. I need to get my bike back up on its wheels and make sure it’s safe so I can drive you home.”