“My eyes are up here, sunshine,” Soren says with a laugh, and when my eyes snap up to him, he winks.

I flush from head to toe before tearing my eyes away from him. “Asshole. It’s not my fault you decided to walk out stark ass naked, swinging around that log of a cock you have.”

“Oh, I’m always happy to have you check out my cock, sunshine, but I have a fight coming up. It’s extremely hard to fight with a hard-on.” There’s a teasing tone to Soren’s voice that I’m not used to.

What the hell is going on tonight? First, Wilder kept touching me and flirting with me. Now, Soren’s doing the same thing—while the man he’s sleeping with is standing right next to me. Did they put something in the water here?

“Alright, Cassanova. Leave Freya alone. I’m going to take her cage-side. We’ll see you and Wilder out there.”

Soren grins. “Good, you can watch me kick his ass.”

Griffin’s hand lands on my lower back as he leads me toward the door. “Ignore him. He’s in rare form tonight. Too cocky for his own good.”

A giggle escapes me as I glance up at Griffin’s exasperated face. He tilts his head to look down at me and smiles.

Holy shit. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him smile like this. It takes him from attractive right into the hot as hell category, and now all I can think about is being in a Griffin and Soren sandwich. What the hell is wrong with me?

“You ready for this?”

“I’m excited,” I admit. “It was amazing watching them fight from the VIP area, but this close? I can’t wait.”

Griffin nods as he swings the door open, leaning down to press his lips to my ear so I can hear him over the crowd. “They always put on a good show.”

A shiver rolls down my spine at his proximity, and it’s official. My libido is out of control. How is it that three different men have gotten me so hot tonight? I’ve never been one to sleep around, but I’ve imagined myself with all three of them already. Why do they have to be so hot?

Griffin doesn’t remove his hand from my back as he leads me over to the cage just as the announcer comes over the speakers.

“It’s that time again, boys and girls. Our main fight is about to begin. Get your bets in while you can. As always, this promises to be an amazing fight. Who will win? Both fighters are evenly matched, and have similar records.”

I tune out his words as Griffin and I come to a stop. My eyes scan the crowd as they push in as close as they can to the cage. From the VIP area, I hadn’t noticed the small area around the cage that was roped off. There are two chairs that I’m guessing are for the trainers, but we don’t head toward those.

The music changes, and Soren is walking through the crowd, a cocky grin on his face. He climbs into the cage just as Wilder’s music sounds out. Once more, the crowd separates to allow him through, and then he’s climbing into the cage.

Griffin pushes me toward the cage. “Keep it clean, boys. Enjoy the fight.”

“Thanks, Griff,” both men reply before their eyes turn to me.

“I like having you cage-side, sunshine. It makes me want to win more.” Soren shoots me another wink, and I find myself flushing again.

Wilder’s eyes narrow on me before he turns to Soren with a growl. “Knock it the fuck off.”

“Nah, I don’t think I will.” Soren smirks as they move further back from one another.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be here.” A glance up at Griffin shows him shaking his head.

“You’re fine. This is just what they do. They talk a lot of shit leading up to the fight.” Griffin nods toward Soren and Wilder, who are indeed talking shit. “It’s just the way they are.”

I shrug as we step back a few steps. When the bell rings to start the fight, I find myself sucked into it. It’s completely different watching the fights now that I know the names of some of the moves.

At first, they just exchange a few jabs back and forth, testing each other out. I can tell when the fight turns serious as Soren throws a roundhouse kick. They move so fast, both men are so light on their feet that I’m envious. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to make fighting look this effortless. Though, I guess I really need to learn how to fight before that can happen.

They really are evenly matched, and I have no idea who will win. They exchange blows that seem effortless and never seem to tire. They make it through the first two rounds with no clear winner.

Glancing up at the clock, I see there are less than two minutes left of the third round. Finally, both Soren and Wilder are starting to slow, fatigue showing in the way they move. They’re on their feet, grappling with one another. Wilder ducks down to try to get under Soren’s guard, but it opens him up for just a moment—something Soren uses to his advantage.

My mouth falls open as Soren’s arm gets under Wilder’s head, and he pulls him into a guillotine. Wilder tries to buck him off, but Soren has too good of a hold. Soren wraps one leg around Wilder’s hips and then the second, and I know it’s game over. Wilder tries his best to dislodge Soren, but eventually, he has to tap out.

The ref pushes them apart, and Soren circles the cage, arms held high. Meanwhile, Wilder is on his knees with the ref checking him over.