“Thanks, Mom. Are you ready to go?”

Of course, it couldn’t be that easy, could it?

“Where are the two of you going tonight?” Mom asks.

My eyes are wide as I turn to Wilder, but he’s already smiling. “We’re heading out for a late dinner, and then we’re going to hit up a few clubs. It’s been a while since we’ve hung out, so I thought it would be a good low stress way to get to know one another again.”

Mom reaches up to pat his cheek. “That’s sweet, Wilder. Thank you for taking care of my baby. I know it’s what Freyr would’ve wanted.”

Wilder freezes for just a second before he nods. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“Let’s go ahead and get out of here.” I grab Wilder’s hand, practically dragging him to the front door. “Bye, Mom. Love you!”

Wilder chuckles, letting me pull him out the door. I come to an abrupt stop when I realize he didn’t drive a car over.

“You have a bike? I didn’t know that.” Glancing up at him, I try not to let the fear shine in my eyes.

“It’s perfectly safe,” he replies, telling me I didn’t do nearly as good of a job as I thought I did. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Shrugging, I follow him down the steps to his bike. It’s beautiful, all black and chrome. I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before, and it’s nothing I ever planned on doing. But if there’s anyone I trust to keep me safe, it’s Wilder. And that right there is why I know I have to give him a second chance.

Wilder hands me a helmet before holding up a jacket. “You’re going to need to wear this.”

“Why? It’s not cold outside.”

He rolls his eyes, turning me around and helping me into it. “It’s not for the cold. I’ve never been in an accident before, but on the off chance something does happen, I want to make sure that you’re as protected as you can be.”

It’s kind of sweet.

He zips up the jacket before reaching for the helmet, immediately moving to push it onto my head.


Wilder immediately freezes, a question in his eyes. “What’s up, Freya?”

“I just wanted to tell you that I’ll give you a second chance. I’m making no promises about what’ll happen, but you were Freyr’s best friend, and I want you in my life.”

“Yeah?” Wilder’s smile lights up his face. “Thank you, Freya. I promise you won’t regret it.”

This time, I allow him to lower the helmet onto my head. He climbs onto the back before helping me slide on behind him, pointing out the foot pegs. When he starts the bike up, a shiver runs through me at the rumbling between my legs.

And then we’re off.

We race through the streets, between the cars, with the wind whipping around us. I might have been nervous at first, but riding feels like second nature to me. My body moves with Wilder’s easily, and if I cling to him a little harder than necessary, who can blame me?

His stomach flexes beneath my hands, and I wonder if he feels this buzzing that seems to be happening between us. It’s almost like it’s trying to pull us together even as I fight it. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before, and for now, I plan to just ignore it.

Much too soon, we come to a stop in front of The Guillotine. He parks his bike beside the door and climbs off before helping me. He leaves the helmets and my jacket on the bike before leading me to the door.

“Welcome back, Freya. I’m so glad you could make it back.”

I shoot Orion a smile. “Glad to be back.”

“Black Mamba.” The smile falls off of Orion’s face when he nods to Wilder.

I snicker as Wilder wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him. “Who comes up with these nicknames?”

Wilder looks amused as he glances down at me. “Griffin gave me mine.”